This is when our story starts to become sad. Not long after that dance we completely cut ties to each other. No talking, no texting, no hanging out, hell I don't even think we looked at each other anymore. He had found someone else. Yeah, we both had had stupid fake relationship but he was serious about this one and I couldn't see that. I would delete him from my life. Two years we ignored each other. Who knew you could be best friends with someone and drop them just like that. It hurt. Maybe even both of us. He graduated and I watched from the bleachers never said a word of congrats nothing. He meant nothing to me in those few years. Not far into the next school year him and miss perfect broke up. That post was the best day ever. I let a few moths roll by. But while visiting my moms friend in the hospital I sent out an long needed hello. Thats where our new story begins. That's the day I saw how much I need him in my life. I had true feelings for him.