Ch1: Freshmen

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"Wow, This dorm is way more better than I've imagined! What do you think?" We finally settle down our things, I say with satisfaction and turn to ask Yen.

Seeing her cheeks still remain in color red reminds me of what just happened in this early morning. I cant help but giggle.

"Don't you know that you're still blushing? Can't stop thinking about someone huh?" I chuckle, poking her cheeks.

"Wait, WHUTTT? Stop teasing me already k?" She mentally facepalms herself, then punches me on my shoulder as a payback. Ouch!

I have to say that I've rarely seen her being like that. Interesting.

/Flash back in early morning/

"Girls, we're here!"

The campus seems nice. Buildings are clean and surrounding by lush greenish trees.

It's breezy but warm. The weather today is just right. I breathe in and breathe out the fresh airs. What a joyful morning in the first day of school!

"NOW, move your lazy butts and get out of my car! Don't forget to take your luggage as well." He says as he opens up the trunk.

Oh yea...This is my elder bro Youngjae. He never fail to ruins my good mood.

"Pali! You don't want to find out that you have no toothbrush at night and end up borrowing from others right, do you? Or that's how you make new friends? Hahaha" He teases, raising an eyebrow.

Oh come on, how old is he..five?
He always likes to make fun of others, especially me and my friends.

"Tut, What a caring brother I have!" I roll my eyes, saying in a sarcastic tone.

He's absolutely annoying but he still has his own good side... perhaps.
At least he drove us here right?

As soon as we get our things on hand and ready to leave the parking lot, a voice comes from far behind us.

"Heyyy Jae!" A boy who looks sunshiny makes his way toward us. He greets my bro with a smile.

That smile might have already killed bunches of girls. I thought to myself.

"Psst..Youngji, don't you think that boy is handsomeee? Eotteoke..He's coming to us." Yen elbows me and whispers.

Well, obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks the boy is charming... There's a curve appears on the corner of my mouth til I see Youngjae smirking.


"OH GOSH! Can't you lower your screechy voice!? " I cover my ears and sigh. Yen embarrassingly stares at Youngjae who just giggles and shrugs.

Poor Yen, I should've warned her that my bro is a naughty butt. He probably heard her whisper.

"Morning, I'm Daehyun, this butt's roommate and bf..I mean best friend ofc;)" He puts his arm around Jae's shoulders.

"You guys can call me Dae." He wears a big smile on his face and gently shake our hands.

I notice that he has dimples beneath his eyes while smiling. That's cute. Big eyes with double eye lid. He's exactly Yen's idol type! Yup!

"Good Morning, Dae oppa~ I'm Youngji, Youngjae's younger sister, and this is my bestie, Yen. Nice to meet you. Please take care of us since we're freshmen." I introduce both of us, smiling sincerely.

"So hi there Miss.Yen, it's you who needs my help with your luggage, am I right?" he faces her and smirks.

"May I ? madam." He bows dramatically to her and lightly carries away the luggage from her hands.

Even though he's joking, he's still charming. He must be a lady killer. Well that's totally different from my bro, who might be killed by girls instead, because of his lame jokes.

"N-no uh I didn't say that tho..." She stutters.

I turn to look at Yen. I'm right.
She is blushing as an red apple.
Girlll...I know you so well!

/End of the flash back/

*Ding Ding Ding*

"I can't believe that we finally found the classroom! Just one sec before the bell rang." Yen says in relief. I nod with laughing.

We have no sense of direction, lol. It took us quite a long time to find the correct location. DaeJae oppas have already gone to another class. (author: yes I'll use DaeJae when mentioning about both of them hoho)

Isn't today the first day of school? To my surprise, our professor hasn't come yet.

We have to sit separately since we arrive late at the classroom.There's just a few seats left. I find one in the last row, putting down my bag and sitting back in chair. I don't want to be too close to the teacher. Besides, the view from the last row is so perfect that I can see what's everyone doing. Hehe.

Meanwhile, Yen sits in the first row and she's already chatting with some classmates.

"Hellooo prettyyy~ What are you looking at?" I'm about to check on my class schedule but I stop and lift my head to see a boy, who has delicate facial features, talking to me.

"I'm Himchan. Feel free to call me 'oppa' cuz I know I'm too handsome to be just your classmate." He winks and flips his blond bangs.

Uh oh...Don't tell me that I sit beside a playboy, cause he speaks and acts glibly. Eww.

"Alright, I'm Youngji. I'll call you 'oppa' if you insist. But only because you look too old and oily to be just my classmate." I smirk.

"Hey! Don't be so mean to your new classmate!" He pouts.

"I have a feeling that we'll become good friends in the future. You seem to be funny." we both laugh and shake hands. Well, who'll expect that this oily boy turns to have a dorky smile.

All of a sudden, the front door slams open and a man dashes in.

"I'm so sorry class. I got lose in this building and went into a wrong classroom. After teaching for 5 mins, some students told me that I wasn't suppose to teach them chemistry in their history class. Then I realized I was in a wrong place." Our professor barges in the classroom. He puffs and blows while telling us the reason he's late.

The whole class become silent within a second.

And the next second, we all burst into laughter.

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