11: Legendary

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"Well...? Do you?" Kyoko asked me. "If I tell you, don't tell anyone!" I said. "Alright!" She nodded, and smiled. "I do like him." I said. "You two would be so cute!" She said. "Uh... Yeah..." I said. 'Why'd I tell her!!! Argh!' I said in my head. "Sigh... Is that all you came in here for?" I asked her. "No, I came in here to tell you that the foods ready!" She said. "E-eh?" I said tilting my head. "Oh! It's been five minutes already!! Oh no!" She said running out the door. 'Classic Kyoko...' I said to myself.

Keita's POV:

"So, how did it go?" Sensei asked me. "Not very good..." I said. "It was a trap. The dreams were created by a Mew." I said. "Wow..." Crystal said. "I think his name was... Varian...?" I said. "Yeah, that was his name." Shadow walked over to the table. "Hm... I wonder..." Aurora said. "Legendary Pokemon aren't always bad guys..." She said. "That's true, but they can also be neutral." Sensei said. "I see him as a bad guy!" Kyoko said. "You haven't seen him though..." Shadow said. "I'm imagining it in my head!" She said. "This 'Martin' guy also had a teammate." I said. "What kind of Pokemon was it?" Crystal asked. "A Raichu. He was somewhat of an asshole, too." Shadow said.

???'s POV:

"Whoa! Would you look at that!" I said as I stared intently at the beautiful ocean. "This place is way cooler than where I lived!" I said again.

Keita's POV:

"Hey... Who's that...?" I said pointing to the beach. "I have no idea..." Shadow said. "I'll take a look okay?" Aurora said walking over to the beach. "I'll come too!" Crystal said.

Crystal's POV:

"Um... Hello there!" Aurora asked the girl. "Oh! Hello!" She said. "Speaking of legendary Pokemon..." I said. "I'm Luna! Luna Starlight!" She said. "Nice to meet you!" She said. "Same to you!" Aurora said. "Do you want to come to our camp?" I asked. "Sure! I'd love to!" She said happily.

Back at the base; Keita's POV:

"So, you're a Cresselia...?" I asked. "Yes! I am. I'm exploring, since I left my hometown." She said. "Ah, okay." Sensei said. "Is she a fairy type, like me?" Kyoko asked. "Uh... No." She said. "She is a legendary Pokemon." Aurora said. "I can see that." Shadow said. "So, why did you decide to leave your hometown?" I asked. "Because I got curious... And I wanted to know what other towns and areas looked like." She said.
Shout out to
- 11LunaStarlight11 !

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