8: Innocence

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Shadow's POV:
"UNTIE ME RIGHT NOW!!!!" I was tied up. I wiggled and squirmed around, trying to work my way out of the rope. "I'm afraid I can't do that." Martin said. "KEITA?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I started to yell. "He can't hear you." Martin said again. "Grrr..." I growled. "Um... Martin? We've got company." The Raichu said. "Krimson- oh! We do have company." Martin said.
An hour later...
"Hah... Hah... I'm lost, aren't I?" I asked myself. "May...", "...be." I heard the voices of the Chandelure. 'Crap! I'm weak to fire types, and there's 2 in front of me. "... Martin asked us to..." The first one said. "... Rid of you." The other continued. 'Shit, I'm exhausted from running... There's no possible way that I'll win...' I thought to myself.

"I promise! I'll make you stronger!"

If I run away like a coward, then all that training was a waste of time...
If I stay and fight, then I can prove that I'm strong and that I'm not afraid...

"Bring it on." I said with a smirk. "Alright...", "...then." They replied. "Flamethrower!" They both shouted. Their attacks joined, so it was twice as powerful. 'If I could just take one of them out...' I thought. "Agh!" It stung like putting salt in a wound. 'Shit!!' I thought. 'That's it! I can keep dodging their attacks until they run out of power, then I can make my move!' I thought. "Hydro Pump!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see another Pokemon. It was a Squirtle. "Hi there, need some help?" She looked a tiny bit younger than me, but she was against the Chandelure, so I assumed that she was an ally. "Kya!" The Squirtle girl ran out of power. 'Shit! Now I'm stuck with a bad type matchup...' I said. But then I remembered. Melee attacks. I ran over to them, and I punched one. "Ah!" She said. "THIS IS FOR KIDNAPPING SHADOW BITCHES!" I started to pummel them with punches, and I started to glow. "W-Whoa... Is he... Evolving...?" The Squirtle girl said. "Hah...hah..." I was exhausted. During the battle, I felt like I gained more power, and I became taller by an inch or two. "You okay?" I asked the girl. She looked about 16. "Yeah! I'll live! I'm Shire, by the way! Nice to meet you!" She said getting up and brushing herself off. She must have recovered a little bit. "I'm Keita. It's nice to meet you as well." I said. "Can I ask you a favor?" I asked. "Sure!" She replied. "Can you help me find and save my friend?" I asked. "Oh! I might have seen her, actually." She replied. "Is she a Zoroark?" She asked. "Yes!" I replied. "I know exactly where she is, follow me!" Shire said, as I followed her.
Shadow's POV:
'Shit.' I thought to myself. *Tok Tok...* I can hear running! I forgot that my senses were amazing. "Why are you smiling? Hm?" Martin glared at me. "Because I can- AGH!" He kicked me in the side, for the fifth time. My side started bleeding. 'This isn't good...' I said to myself, looking at my wound. If he kicks me there again, it will make it bleed more.all of a sudden a giant vine shot through the entrance of the room, and stopped an inch away from martins head. "Let. Her. Go." I heard Keita's voice as he walked into the room. "Is that... Keita?" I said as I looked at him. 'Did he evolve...?' I thought to myself. A girl walked up behind him. "Phew! You're really fast!" The girl said. "Probably because I evolved, Shire." He said. He looked a lot more mature than before, and he was kinda h- NOPE! NOT GOING THROUGH THIS AGAIN! I felt my face turn red. Another vine grew out of the ground, except it was a lot smaller. It cut the ropes, setting me free. "Heheheh... you guys are gonna have nightmares tonight!" I smirked.
Special thanks to:
- Neko-Uchiha

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