Chapter One: Gems

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My alarm rang loudly, signaling for me to get up. I groaned, remembering that my roommates and I are new students here at Golden Oaks Academy. I looked over at my roommates across the room.

"Rainbow Bite, Berrie Cupcake, you need to get up. School starts," I looked at our retro style, black and red clock, "In an hour and a half."

Rainbow mumbled something about wanting to sleep longer as Berrie jumped out of bed to get dressed.

Berrie "Cakes" Cupcake is a pale girl with black hair and a pink streak going through it. Her skin looked really tan against Rainbow's white skin.

Rainbow "Rayne" Bite looked similar to her twin Rainbow Dash, whom she hasn't seen in seven years, except Rainbow Bite's hair was longer and more wavy. Her rainbow locks blended together to make it seem as if they faded into each other and her magenta eyes had a hint of bright red in them.

I sat up and stretched my arms in the air. I lazily pushed my blanket off of me and stumbled into the bathroom. I glanced up at myself in the mirror. My wavy, deep purple hair was messy and knotted. My sapphire blue eyes still stung from being woken up early.

"What's with the administration and their early wake ups?" I asked.

"I don't know but I can't wait to see Pinkie!" Berrie squealed, obviously excited that school starts today.

Well at least one of us is. I thought.

I picked up my brush and started to brush it then braid it and flipped it over my shoulder. I applied eyeliner the color of a deep Navy blue and lipstick of a earthy brown color. Once I was satisfied with what I saw I returned to my bed and picked up my outfit for the day. A blackish-blue tank with words that read The dark never bothered me anyway over a full moon with a profile of a unicorn in it, the symbol referring to Nightmare Moon, a gray pair of ripped skinny jeans, and black converse.

Berrie chose her normal attire, a pink T-shirt with a black Peace sign, a pair of blue cut-off shorts and her knee-high converse boots, while Rainbite, as we called her, chose a black shirt with purple skinny jeans and purple Galaxy converse.

I turned around to face them and Rainbite looked at my shirt.
"Really? You're wearing that your first day?"

"What? I can't help that my mom's famous and her symbol is put on shirts." I shrugged. "She's currently in lock down. She went crazy remember?"

"Yeah yeah. Aunty Luna is soo cool." Rayne smiled.

There was a bang on the door so Cakes opened it only to find another student. She was a beautiful petite girl with very curly wavy hair that was a dark purple. She was wearing a white dress with three ice blue diamonds on the bottom left of the dress.

"Oh! Hello, darling" Her British accent was shocking to her appearance. "I'm Rarity."

"Berrie Cupcake." Cakes nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Rarity smiled. "Since you're new here, I thought I'd be generous enough to give you a tour before school starts in half an hour."

I looked at the girl. "That's thoughtful of you Rarity."

The girl glanced at me and her eyes widened. "Oo! I have a lovely blue silk dress that would go absolutely marvelous with your complexion, Darling."

"Um. Thanks?" Gee this girl is weird. A dress? I looked at Rayne and Cakes. "You guys ready?"

They both nodded and Rarity finally noticed Rayne. "Oh my! You look just like my dear friend, Rainbow Dash!"

Rayne shifted uncomfortably and Rarity saw this. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." She looked away. "It's time for the tour. I'll show you around." She turned and started walking down the hall and we grabbed our school bags and followed.

We got about halfway through the tour when we heard a countryfied twang fill our ears.

"There ya are, Rarity. Ah was looking for ya awhile now."

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