Chapter Five: Memories

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Mystic's POV:

"Did someone say Cheese Sandwich?" Pinkie perked up.

"Yeah." Kalona said. "He's over there." He pointed at a brown fluffy haired boy wearing a yellow shirt.

"Cheese!!!!!" Pinkie squealed making the boy jump and run from the room, Pinkie following behind.

I watched as she ran out and Berrie became saddened.
"It'll be OK, Cakes. I promise." She nodded and I reached out to rub her back. That's when I blacked out.


I was standing in Berrie's old room. Berrie, or who I thought was Berrie, curled in a corner crying. That's when I heard Berrie's mother scream and realized that I got sucked into a memory. Berrie and I ran out to the kitchen and saw the killer standing over Berrie's father who had a knife in his side and another in his leg.

"Berrie! What are you doing?! Run!" Her mother yelled as she limped over to her and whispered, "Go find Mystic and Sombra. Now! Please before he gets you too!" Her mother took her in her arms and hugged her tight. "Ask them to help you find Pinkie. Okay? Do you understand?"

Crying Berrie nodded and ran. Her thoughts slammed into my brain. 'He will pay for this and I will get my revenge! He will die at the hands of Berrie Blood!'

*end of flashback*

I shook my head and looked at Berrie. "Berrie Blood?" I asked and she flinched, then understood what just happened.

"My name I used when I killed him. The name I told him when he asked for it. The name of the girl who was born the day he killed my parents. I felt his blood drench my clothes as I stabbed him." She smiled slightly.

"Oh." I looked away then suddenly was hit with a sense of loneliness. "I- I need to go." I stood up and went back to my dorm before my friends could stop me. After I closed the door I took out my phone and played the one song that I loved. The song my mother used to sing to me. As the recording of her voice swept through the room, I started to cry, the pain from missing her finally broke through to the surface.

Come little children, I take thee away, into a land of enchantment

Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows

Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrows

Weep not poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and passions

Hush now dear children, it must be this way, too weary of life and deceptions

Rest now my children, for soon we'll away, into the calm and the quiet

Come little children, I'll take the away, into a land of enchantment

Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of Shadows.....

I wept even after the song played. I wept after it repeated over and over again. I wept even when my friends finally found me and held me in a tight hug.

I soon rubbed my eyes and cleared my throat. When I finally looked up at them all watching me, I said, "I will free my mother in this world. Just like we did back in the pony world, where we all came from. I will make Celestia pay once I reunite the two worlds. Like it once was millions of years ago. Oh... She will pay."

"But won't that throw the balance off?" Cakes asked.

"They split the world into two, to prevent anyone to have too much power. But once we reunite everyone to their other half, I will summon Nightmare Moon and finally the world will accept my mother as she is supposed to be." I smiled. "Then we can have our revenge."

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