Dalton at the rescue

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Dedicated to SarahLynn111999

You were returning home after a hard day at work. You worked as a waiter in a cafeteria as you needed Money so as you could move on with your boyfriend, Daniel. You both have been dating since 3 years now and let's say he changed throughout all these years. At first he was very sweet but now he's arrogant and bad-treater. Lost in your deep thoughts, you didn't notice that you already arrived at your house. You took out of the key, unlocked the door and entered in to see Daniel sleeping on the couch surrounded by 9-10 bottles of beer. Huh, heavy drunkard! You tiptoed to the kitchen and started preparing yourself a good chicken cheese sandwich. You were mixing everything when suddenly you heard Daniel shouting


You rushed to him and saw him with a furious look. You started to back up as you were afraid of Daniel when he was angry. He stepped forward and pulled you by the wrist on him.


- at....a...t....t..he..ca..fe..ta..r..ia

In a sudden movement, he slapped you, making you fall down.

- bitch, you lied to you!! You were cheating on me with a random fucking guy!!

Then he kicked you on the stomach..

- slut, never show me your fave again!!!!

He kicked you over and over again, causing blood to come out of your mouth. Suddenly he took a bat out of nowhere and beat you on the head with it. You screamed in pain and feel down. You fell unconscious..

When you woke up, you were in a hospital room and thousands of injections and bandages were glued to you. You had a severe headache and it was really hurting like shit. Suddenly you heard the snoring of someone beside you; you turned around to see your cafeteria bestie,Dalton. Seeing him all calm and sleeping, you stroked him blond soft hair softly and tried to fall asleep as well. The next morning, you woke up to the voice of Dalton who was saying 'get up princess, you can return home'. You smiled and hugged him.

The following days were normal except that you and Dalton had been spending a lot of time together. And slowly you were falling for him. One day he asked you out which you accepted. You guys dated for 7-8 years until the day hr proposed to you and of course you said yes again. The next month, you both got married and 9 months later, you gave birth to Austin and Rosie Rapattoni.

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