Chapter 1

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It all started in orchestra. Violins were playing their music with a violent force. As the music was flowing through the room the Bass instrument had dropped. At this point in time, Aila and Adrian were both frenemies. They hated anything and everything about each other. But that all changed one day when something happened.

They did not see this coming at all. But that day their feelings for each other were very different.

Flashback ~~~~

"Caitlyn just leave me alone!" Alia said. At that time Caitlyn was drunk on sugar. Caitlyn had been insulting Aila for weeks now. Adrian was around the corner and heard everything. He decided to stay and listen in.

"NO YOU MUST JOIN THE KAWAII CLUB YOU B****" Caitlyn screamed. She clawed at Aila's face.

"I'm not going to join your stupid club!" Aila retorted. "IT IS NOT STUPID UNLIKE YOU MS.PERFECT!" Caitlyn retorted. Caitlyn then slapped Aila across her face, leaving a big, red mark. Adrian soon thought it was getting out of hand and stepped in to help.

"Ok that's enough Caitlyn!!! You have tortured Aila far to long now" Adrian said. This concerned Aila a lot.

"Thanks Adrian, but I'm fine." Aila quickly snapped back at Adrian and ran away.

"Look at the little weakling running away. FACE ME LIKE THE WOMAN YOU ARE!" Caitlyn screeched toward Aila's direction.

"Ok you look here Caitlyn, you have got some nerve to be going on at Aila like that; you know how ridiculous that is especially to be bullying one of your friends!!!!! I don't even want to know what you've got to say so just go away before I do something that won't be so pretty!!!!" Adrian yelled vigorously at Caitlyn.

At this point Adrian had enough of all of crap that he wanted to beat her to shreds or at least until she said she was going to apologize to Aila. But he knew that this wasn't going to happen ever in their poor lives. Adrian ran to go find where Aila went, he was very concerned about her and to see whether or not she was ok or if she was gonna hurt herself. But he knew that she would never do that considering that she's always yelling at Kaylee to not kill herself. He heard crying coming from the end of the elective hall and found Aila sitting in a corner crying.

Poor Aila...I've never seen her like this since...since... actually I don't think I've ever seen her cry before. *In his head*

"Hey Aila...You ok?" Adrian says as he takes off his backpack and sits next to her.

"Yah just never knew she would get like I know how it feels to be hurts that it was Caitlyn though.... stupid sugar!!!!!" Aila says while sobbing

Adrian doesn't know what else to do except to hug her and comfort her. He gets caught off guard when Aila hugs back. They stay like this for a whole period (meaning they skipped a whole hour of class)

~~~An hour later~~~

"Hey Adrian?" ~Aila

"Yes princess?"~Adrian

"You do know that we just skipped class right? Our parents are going to kill us"~ Aila

"I told our teachers before I came to find you and talked to Officer Mo so she could go find Caitlyn and talk to her"~ Adrian

"Well you sure know how to take care of things now don't you smart guy"~ Aila

"Yup...You bet I do...hey come on, the bell is going to ring in 10 minutes. We should get you to the bathroom so you can wash up before we go to our last class."~ Adrian

"Yah your right...lets go"~ Aila

They get their stuff from the other corner across from them and go to the girls bathroom so Aila can clean her face(i mean Adrian didn't go in I mean come on that's just ewww weird don't wanna think about it)

"Ok I'm do I look?"~ Aila

"As beautiful as ever sunshine"~ Adrian

"And since when did you have nicknames for me.. hmm....?"~ Aila

"Since today princess"~ Adrian

"Hmmm....whatever let's go we got 2 minutes until the bell rings for passing period"~ Aila

"Oh shit you're right"~ Adrian

The 2 minutes pass and so does passing period. They end up getting to their last period on time and with nobody suspicious of Aila's crying and what had happened between her and Adrian.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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