Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Riley and Ollie let go of each other's hands. Ollie carried his usual innocently sweet smile whilst Riley shot a sidewards glance at me, still wondering what just happened.

"Would you like to come in for a drink?" Ollie's genuine offer appeared to have struck a nerve with Riley, he was noticeably tenser and appeared to be somewhat insulted.

"Yeah, I think I might. Thanks." Riley replied in a defensive manner.

Ollie made his way to the door, as did Riley. We walked towards my apartment and settled a pot of tea for each of us on the table.

"So you're a friend of Pippa's I presume?" Ollie sipped his tea and grinned.

"You could say that." Whilst I was busy dodging eye contact, Riley decided to stare at me for a good minute. I continued to keep my head down, facing the tea cup. "And you? A friend of Pippa's also?" Riley asked.

"Best friends. Isn't that right babe?" Ollie lifted my chin to turn my head, I was now facing him directly. Babe? Why did he call me Babe? Does he even know what that means? Babe...

"Yes...babe?" Unsure of which direction he wanted to take the conversation, I gulped and answered.

"You guys are obviously very close." Riley said with a certain level of hostility in his tone.

"We are. Childhood sweethearts and all that." Ollie smiled and returned a fierce glance. Awkward silence filled the room as I became increasingly desperate for a hole to be dug so I can bury my face forever!

"You don't sound like you're from around here Oliver. Are you just visiting?" Riley's tone was provocative yet subtle enough not to cause offence.

"My plan was to stay for a week or two, but I think I will stay longer now."

"You are?!" My jaw dropped as I starred wide-eyed into Ollie's face and asked.

"What can I say, I just love it here so much. I am considering re-locating to pursue my studies here." Ollie lifted his tea cup towards Riley, before giving us his signatory cheeky grin. 

What does he mean by pursuing his studies here? Does he wants to come to my School?

"It sure is a great here. That's why Pippa has settled in so well, isn't it Pip?" Riley directed his question at me, I panicked and mumbled a half hearted response.

"I'm glad she's having a good time, it just means she will have more stories to tell me when she does return home." Ollie stretched his arm across back of my chair and is now leaning closer towards me, nearly hugging me.

"Yes, I'll see to it that she has plenty of fond memories to share with you during her stay here." Riley reached out his hand and placed it on top of mine, I attempted to withdraw it in good time but it turned out to be a failed plan. Riley had a tighter grip on my hand than before.

Riley narrowed his eyes at Ollie and went onto to say something but had obviously thought better of it. He settled his tea cup on his left, stood from his chair and made his way towards the front door.

"I'll see you at school on Monday Pip!" Within a minute, the door was slammed shut.

I put down my cup and turned to face Ollie. "What do you mean you're staying?"

"Don't you want me to dear? I thought you'd be rather more pleased than that." Ollie finished off his tea and chucked.

"I am. I am pleased. But there is one issue..."

"What's that? You fear checkered-shirt just left won't approve?" It is a source of great pain to Ollie that not all men are suit wearers.

"No... It's just that no body knows I'm a...princess."

Well, not nobody! 

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