The approach

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You arrive at school 15 minutes before the school bell is suppose to ring and you walked your usual route to your classroom 3-A. When you walked past the Student Council room, you bumped into Akashi Seijuro. You turned around to face him and bowed to apologize for bumping onto him. You turned back and move a foot to walk away but Akashi call for you.
You turned back to face him and replied
'Yes, Akashi-kun?'
He did not say anything but just glare at you. You tilt your head in curosity and called his name again. After he heard you call him, he looked liked he just broke out of a trande. He shaked his head and blinked a couple of times before saying sorry and walked away.
Your eyebrows turned into a frown as you turned back in the original direction you were walking and continued walking to your classroom. You stepped into the classroom, noticing that Akashi was already there. You glanced at him for a second and walked to your seat which was at the extreme left corner, beside the window. Lessons carry on per usual and after lessons, you went for Band practise.
Of course, during practise, the band bugs you to conduct the band for a song, but you decline the offer and suggested that the student conductor do the conducting.
You got distracted by a new piece your conductor gave to you and ended up staying in school late. It was another concerto, and it looked like the composer spiled ink all over the manuscript. You took a lot of time dicephering what the score was writing and you got too sucked into the score. Once you left the band room, you quickly whipped out your phone to give your home a ring. Your mother picked it up. You apologized for not returning home on time and asked how they were doing. Your mother said they were doing fine and she also stated that she has never felt this good for a long time. She even said that she cooked dinner! You smiled as you had not eaten your mother's cooking for a long time, since you father left and she went under depression. You told her you would be back soon and ended the call. You smiled as you walked towards the school gate.
When you walked pass the Basketball court, you heard dribbling. It was already 7pm and by this time, everyone would be out of school. Out of curosity, you slide open the door of the basketball court and saw Akashi practising his shots.
Although you opened the door silently, Akashi still felt your presence and he stopped dribbling and looked at you. You bowed and apologized for interupting his practise and turned around to walk out but Akashi called out to you.
'(F/n). Come here.'
You stopped moving and pivoted 180 degrees to face him. He gestured with his hand for you to go to him and you slowly walked to him.
'Yes, Akashi-kun?' You asked him.
He put his hand on your head and began petting you. He squatted a little so he could see your eyes without moving your head up(A/n: Let's just say you are shorter than him) . When his eyes met your's, he smiled, and asked you why you were still in school. You explained to him about your next concerto and then his mouth formed an 'O' shape. He says that he really likes your music and one day hopes to play a duet with you one day. Without thinking, you just nodded your head to everything he said.
He then asked why aren't you the Student conductor, or part of the Counsil and why are you not accepting any college offers. You then told him that you did not want to, so to not reveal your whole life story. He nod his head and suddenly trapped you inbetween a wall and his taller self. He then asked you the same question again, and you gave him the same answer. He sighed and then placed his hand on your cheeks, before whispering into your ear that he will find out why you are not telling him the truth.
His hot breathe on your ear and his warm emmiting out of his body made you heart beat fast. You had never been so close to a boy for a long time. He made you fluster. When he unpinned you from the wall and walked away, you slide down the wall in shock and sat there, stunned.
When Akashi came out of the locker room, he saw you sitting by the wall and came to offer his hand and a ride home. You snapped out of your shock, quickly declined the offer and ran out and to home.

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