six ◆ apologies and memories

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Trigger Warning for this chapter, I'm sorry, you have been warned.


"Fairness doesn't govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young."


"What do you mean you know who killed Hoseok?" I sounded as confused as I was. What was she saying? Was this true? Was it someone I knew, too?

"I.." She was fighting back tears. Oh, for fuck's sake.

"Hana, fucking tell me!" I nearly yelled, making her flinch. I didn't give a fuck about her feelings but there was no denying that I'd be at least a little thankful if she could tell me who had killed my friend.

"L-Look, I told him not to drive when he's drunk s-so it's not my fault!" She was nearly hyperventilating at this point. "Who's he?" I demanded. "Was it Kangmin?" She nodded, tears running down her cheeks, staining her face with mascara. "Yes, I was in the car with him when it happened...I told him to slow down and stop the car but he wouldn't listen..."

I was furious. Not only was he a complete asshole, but he fucking killed Hoseok. I definitely wasn't going to forgive him this time around.

I was about to leave when Hana called out my name. I'm not sure why I even bothered listening to her but I did anyway. "Jungkook...I want to use this chance apologize for how I behaved. I'm so sorry for how I treated you and if there was any way for me to turn back time and stop myself from doing those terrible things, I wouldn't hesitate but that's impossible. I understand if you don't want to forgive me. After all that, I wouldn't forgive myself either but I felt like I should at least tell you how sorry I am. I genuinely regret everything I've done to you and Taehyung." She said, looking more ashamed of herself than I'd expected. Did Hana really just apologize to me?

I'd have liked to think about that more but there was no time now. I had to tell Taehyung, or Jimin, or anyone what I'd just found. We had to get Kangmin arrested for this. We couldn't let him get away with this.

Hoseok was dead because of him. That was the terrible truth. He had to face that, just like us.

x x x

"What?!" Taehyung looked at me with widened eyes. "I'm going to fucking kill him." Jimin mumbled angrily. To be honest, I'd expected that reaction from him.

"We need to prove that he was the one who hit Hoseok.." I said, deep in thoughts. I had no idea how to do that, though. There was no proof, and the only witness was Hana since she'd been right there. But would they believe her if nobody else had seen him? Of course would it be best if he jist admitted it but from what I knew, he certainly wasn't the type to do that. Damn it.

"I guess...we need to talk to him." I concluded after a while. They looked at me as if I'd gone insane and that's what I wanted to believe too. Surely, talking to him would be a suicide attempt for us. But it was the only way I could think of. "We need to consider the things from his perspective too. I'm sure he feels guilty, you know? Maybe we can convince him to confess." I suggested and Taehyung nodded. "That makes sense, yeah."

"But would someone like him even feel guilty?" Jimin asked, still doubting the plan. I, myself, was even doubting this plan because it was simply a terrible one. But not doing anything about it would be even worse. "I don't know, but it's the only thing we can do. I don't want to sit around and not do anything, you know? We need to do something." He nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

"Okay, it's decided. We'll go talk to him." Taehyung said.

x x x

I rang the doorbell to Kangmin's house, but nobody answered. I rang it a total of six times before I lost my patience and tried to open the door to see if by any chance, it wasn't locked - and indeed, it wasn't. What the hell?

I didn't care that this was basically a crime but I entered the house, calling out Kangmin's name over and over, but there was no answer. "His car is there, he's gotta be home." I muttered.

"I'll look upstairs." Jimin said before making his way upstairs. Taehyung and I stayed behind. As he was standing next to me, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "It'll be fine." I tried to comfort him but even I wasn't convinced of my own words.

We stood there in silence for a little until we heard Jimin from upstairs. "What the fuck?!" We rushed to him as fast as we could, to be greeted by a horrid scene in front of us. I almost screamed when I saw Kangmin lying on the floor, his wrist cut open, a puddle of blood surrounding it, but Taehyung acted immediately. He took one of the towels inside the bathroom and pressed it on the wound, yelling at Jimin to call the ambulance.

I was incapable of doing anything. From the moment I'd seen Kangmin, it was as if I'd been paralyzed. In this very moment, he reminded me of myself. Being driven to the point where you think the only resolution is death. It was terrible. This entire situation was. Even when the ambulance arrived, I stood there, unable to move until I felt Taehyung's arms wrapping around me.

That was the moment I broke down. All those terrible memories were going through my mind and they felt so real, as if I was reliving them. I couldn't breathe anymore, I was suffocating.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die. No please, I don't want to die. I'm going to die!

The only thing that made it possible for me to divide between...this and reality was Taehyung's soothing voice and his arms around me. At this point, I was crying into his shirt as I tried to breathe desperately.

I don't know how long it took, but I eventually calmed down. Taehyung was still holding onto me, but I was so tired. So incredibly tired, I couldn't keep myself awake. The last thing I heard before I finally drifted off to sleep was Taehyung's voice, "I love you."

I love you too.

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