The Graduation

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It has been three weeks after the singing competition and Amera was getting ready for her graduation while Savannah, Clay, and Jay were sitting in chairs waiting for the graduation to start.

"Good evening everyone, I am professor Stilton, and today we are here for the graduation of these here students." said a very chubby old man as he pointed in a certain direction

Everyone turned to where Professor Stilton was pointing, when all the college graduates walked in, as the graduates reached their seats and sat down Professor Stilton and the rest of the audience clapped.

"Before we begin I'd like to say that I'm very proud of these students, they did their best and are now succeeding in life. But let's welcome Professor Kawasaki." said Professor Stilton as a thin lady came up on the stage

"Hello everyone, let me just say it's an honor to be able to announce the graduates. This is a group of successful students." said Professor Kawasaki

The crowd again clapped.

"Now let's begin, our first graduate is Wendy Allen." said Professor Kawasaki as a girl walked up on stage.

"Go Wendy!" said someone in the crowd

"Randy Anderson." said Professor Kawasaki

The crowd clapped as he got on stage.

"Patricia Blanks." said Professor Kawasaki

"That's my girl!" yelled yet another person in the crowd

"Amera Blue." Said Professor Kawasaki

The crowd clapped.

"It's great to see Amera accomplish this goal of hers." said Savannah

"Yeah." said Clay

-I'm gonna skip to the middle of the graduation, you will see why later in the story.

"Yuri Nagasaki." said Professor Kawasaki

The crowd clapped and Amera seemed especially happy.

-Now I'm gonna skip to the end of the graduation.

The crowd clapped after the last student was announced.

"Before we end we have a special performance by our top graduates who have graduated in mostly vocal music, please welcome Amera and Yuri." said Professor Kawasaki

"Hello everyone, I'm Yuri and we are performing a song Amera wrote, we call it Eyes wide open." said Yuri

"She wrote her own song." said Jay

"She definitely has grown these past years." said Savannah

"That song was really great." said Clay

After that Amera, Savannah, Clay, and Jay head out to leave California and back to their own homes.

"I can't believe I graduated." said Amera

"Why, you always did great in school?" asked Savannah

"It's just a big step in my life." said Amera

"Well we're proud of you." said Clay

"Thanks." said Amera

"Hey, Amera are you headed back to Ohio?" asked Yuri as they walked past her

"Yeah, are you too?" asked Amera as she stopped walking

"Yep." said Yuri

"Cool, oh by the way these are my friends Savannah, Clay, and Jay." said Amera as she introduced her friends to Yuri

"It's great to meet you guys." said Yuri

"You're a great singer." said Clay

"Thanks." said Yuri

"So, you live in Ohio too?" asked Savannah

"Yeah, I sat next to Amera on the plane to California." said Yuri

"That's ironic." said Jay

"Why don't you join us on our way home?" suggested Savannah

"Ok, thanks." said Yuri

The group headed for the airport and when they landed they learned that Yuri lived three blocks away from the girls.

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