Just us

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Are you going to keep doing this to me?
I may seem awkward but I like you baby
From now on, I'm not gonna call you oppa but just bae

-Jimin and Xiumin(Call you bae)

/Jaehyun's pov/

At 3 I went to the coffee place and spotted Jess sitting by the window "Hey" I said "Hey miss informal" I quickly got up and bowed "I-I'm sorry I thought you said since we are not at work and..." I started blushing and she chuckled "I'm kidding I'm happy you're so comfortable with me" I smiled and sat down "So what's the trouble?" she asked immediately "Would you like to order now?" the waitress appeared out of nowhere "I'll take a Caramel macchiato" Jess said "Me too" she wrote it down and left "Tell me tell me" she urged "Okay so this friend of mine has this boyfriend who has nightmares I mean it's natural and all to have them but the boyfriend said he only has severe ones when sick but recently he had a severe one and he wasn't sick and this friend of mine tried waking him up but he didn't want to wake up and she started to panic and everything in the end he woke up but she's still worried...what should my friend do?"

she chuckled "Wae?" I asked "Is this friend of yours perhaps you?" I shook my head "No no"  she sighed "You're a terrible liar" I sighed in defeat "I know" the waitress returned with our orders and placed them down before she scurried away "Omo you have a boyfriend!!!" everybody looked at us and I bowed "I apologize" I smiled awkwardly and looked back at her "Can you please keep it down?!" she covered her mouth "Okay" she said in english "Thank you" I said "When did it happen?" "Recently" she glared at me "And you didn't tell your one and only girl friend?" "I was about to but things just kept coming up I'm sorry" she smiled again "Well as long as I know now it's okay" "Wait..." she looked at me "Is it perhaps your neighbor?" I nod slowly "Omo!" she starts kicking me under the table "Ow!Ya!" I glared at her and she raised her brows "S-sorry" I lowered my head "Sorry as well I'm just sooooo happy for you no wonder you've been getting more social lately he's been helping you am I right?" I nodded again

"That's great really I'm proud of you" she finally calmed down "So any advice?" she looked at me clueless "About what?" I groaned "The story I told you earlier" she thought a bit before she remembered "Oh yeah...well I think you should just sit down and talk to him but don't be all pushy slowly step by step try to figure it out kay?" I nodded "And if that doesn't work we can always take a part time stalking class together" she winked at me "Thanks Jess---" she cut me off "Unni" "Unni...I have to go now I'll send you the chapters later" she nodded "By" "Bye" I left after paying for our drinks.

/Taehyung's pov/

I arrived at the block of apartments and went to Jaehyun's apartment "Jaehyun?" I knocked on the doors but she didn't seem to be home so I just left.I made some more levels before my brain gave out and I crashed onto my couch and after 5 minutes I was a goner.I woke up to the ringing of my phone "Yobseo?" I answered without even looking who it is "Hey Tae it's your hyung" Baekhyun said "Oh hyung hey" I didn't move from my spot on the couch which was laying on my stomach half dead "Hey I just called to let you know noona will be coming home" "Oh yeah she called me recently yeah" I remembered "Well just to let you know that we'll be picking her up tomorrow" "Already?" I was surprised by the timing "Yeah I'll come pick you up at 8 o'clock arasso?" "Arasso see you tomorrow hyung" "See you" he hung up and I dropped the phone to the ground.

I woke up and this time on the floor.I ate some ramen and by the time I was finished cleaning up I heard a knock at the door "Hey"Jaehyun greeted when I opened the door "Hey come in" I let her in and closed the door behind her "I need to talk to you" she said scaring me with the seriousness in her voice "Sure but first would you like something to drink or eat?" she shook her head "Okay" I pulled her closer and kissed her and this time she returned the kiss "Let's sit down" she said and so we did.The silence and the seriousness was killing me "So what's up?" I asked smiling my box like smile "About what happened yesterday" I gulped "Please don't..." "Do you have anything to tell me?" she urged "Not really" the silence took over again as she stared at me "Okay" the happy tone of her voice surprised me "Are you busy?" she asked standing up "No actually I just finished eating" she smiled and pulled me up "Then let's go somewhere"

/Jaehyun's pov/

I decided not to urge and take baby steps "Where are we going?" he asked as I led him trough the city "You'll see" we stopped in front of an arcade "Why are we here?" he asked holding my hand "To have fun" I smiled excited before entering.We played quite a few games before we went to get some fast food "It's already 12 o'clock we should go home" he said as we ate "Come on let's stay out here for a little longer" he gave me a look "Are you sure?" he asked "If you want to go home we can" I said "No it's okay we can stay if you want" he said "Okay then we're staying" he smiled.

After finishing our food he took us to an abandoned train station "This reminds me of some horror story" I said "This place is haunted by the way" I looked at him "You're joking" I said "Yup" he jumped on one of the wagon's helping me up "Now that we're here alone and it's night" he slowly took off my sunglasses "You won't need this not now not ever" I smiled hugging him "This is sudden" he said hugging me back "That's not all" he looked at me curiously "I love you" I said before getting on my tip toes kissing him.He was surprised for a second before he returned the kiss "Where'd all this confidence come from?" he asked and I shrugged keeping the wide grin plastered on my face.

We watched the stars while sitting on the edge of the wagon our legs dangling off "Me and hyung are going to pick up my noona wanna come?" he suddenly asked "Sure when?" I asked nervous "We're  picking her up at the airport tomorrow at 8" I raised my brows "She works in China and she sometimes comes to visit" something was suspicious "So his brother owns a famous company,his sister works in China which probably isn't some shady job and he's a games designer?does this add up??" "Oppa" he looked at me "Is your family rich?" I could see him tense up "No wae?"

This was suspicious but I decided not to get into it "Tell me about your sister" he smiled "Well she's 29 years old,she's protective and affectionate like my brother,she can be very stubborn,she's always ready to help anyone and she is extremely beautiful" I nodded "What's her name?" "Taeyeon noona" I smiled seeing how happy he is just talking about her "She sounds amazing" he looked at me "She is and she is gonna love you...without your sunglasses" I looked away "Taehyung you know---" he cut me off "I know it hurts and you're afraid but I'm here I'll protect you if anyone tries to do something and I'll block the haters" I couldn't help but smile "Thank you" he smiled back "Anything for you"

/Taehyung's pov/

It was somewhere between 3 and 4 o'clock "Let's go home" I said half asleep like Jaehyun.I don't remember clearly what happened after we arrived at out apartment but I felt like someone was beside me the whole time.

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