Breaking the news

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*10 minutes later*

Hey Zach. Hope said getting up.

Hey. Is Chole okay? Zach asked.

Yea she just sleep. Help me put her in the car.


*They put me in the back seat*

Tell me what happened. Zach said.

Some girls were talking about us and I turned around and said something then she wanted to push me so I went back at her. Chole didn't do anything the girl friend came at her and nocked her popcorn out her hand. Then Chole snapped. That's why we were here. Hope said.

Oh hahaha but you don't ever mess with someone's food like that. If that was me I would have gone crazy.

I know right. The worst part is that we didn't see the movie and I know Chole really wanted to see that movie.

Yea she's been talking about it but it's okay we can always go another day. Zach said.

We don't have any other days did you forget she was leaving in six days?

Oh yea I try to forget about that. Can you do me a big favor?


Take this money and go find a dress for Chole to wear tomorrow. Take Chole with you. I would go but that's a girl thing. Zach said handing Hope the money.

Okay but Chole doesn't wear dresses that much she's more a sweat pants kinda girl but I'll try.

*We got home. Hope helped me out the car and Zach went to his house. Then we went to sleep*

CHOLE GET UP! Maddie yelled.

IS EVERYTHING OK!? I asked jumping out of bed.

Yes. Today we're going dress shopping!

Really I thought someone got hurt.

No one got hurt. Why are your bags packed?

Oh yea I didn't tell her yet. I said in my head.

Well I'm going back to New York for school but I'll be for Christmas. I said to Maddie.

Oh....I'm going to miss you. Maddie said giving me a big hug.

I'm gonna miss you to.

Am I interrupting something? Hope asked walking in my room.

No what's up.

I'm sure you know we're going dress shopping, the thing is that Riley and Max are coming. And since this is a girls thing it would be weird for Max to be the only boy so I asked Zach to come to and their gonna do their own shopping.

That's okay with me I don't really care. You know I don't like dresses though I'm not really looking forward to this. I said.

Some who has their panties in a bunch this morning.

Haha real funny but for real I don't like dresses.

Just get ready. Hope said walking out.

Hey guys so there was no point of this chapter because it doesn't make sense cuz I did this at 2:37am. I felt bad that I didn't post a chapter but the next chapter will make sense. BYEEEE!

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