Chapter 1

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We had just arrived at Hogwarts and I could already feel the magic in the air. As soon as I stepped off the train a rush of cold air brushed across my face, I pulled my black cloak over my body more and then pulled the black hood up over my head to keep my ears warms.

We were all stood outside the Great Hall waiting to be let in, we would be seated and then the new first years would enter and be sorted into the houses. As we waited the voices of the paintings could be heard slightly along with the conversations from everyone as we stood outside the entrance to the Hall.

Now where to put you? Very intelligent and creative. Ravenclaw!

Ah, yes, I can tell you're loyal and hard working. Hufflepuff!

Daring, brave, courage. I know! Gryffindor!

Hmm, tricky, a lot of honesty and courage, yet powerful indeed. Slytherin!

One by one the newbies were sorted and then Dumbledore spoke a few words. He stood up and walked at a steady pace to where a gold podium was placed at the head of the room.

"Welcome!" He spoke, "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our feast, I would like to remind you that the third floor is once again off bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death, the dark forest is also forbidden to students."Dumbledore looked down each table as he spoke. His silver beard was tied half way down with a gold ring, his glasses were pushed down his nose and he wore a blue cape and matching hat which was covered in small white stars.

"Thank you, now we may begin the feast!" Were his last words before all the tables were full of food. There was a wide variety of hot and cold foods, some of the food I had only ever had once or twice. There was a large choice or desserts to choose from and drinks like pumpkin juice, gillywater and butter beer which were already poured into goblets.

"I see you saved me a seat" A voice said from behind me and instantly I knew who it was. Poppy Hale. My favourite red-head, my best friend.

I swung my head round to meet her gaze and wide smile, her freckles seemed to be glistening. Her long red hair was tied neatly into a high ponytail with a few perfect imperfect strands of hair which fell down either side of her face.

She sat down next to me and took a plate and started to dig in. I gave her a small side hug and she smiled back at me.

"I missed you over the summer, how come you didn't write to me?" She pouted in attempt to make a puppy-dog face.

"I was busy I guess, I studied almost everyday for at least 4 hours, obviously forced by my Uncle." I said.

Me, my sister and my brother have been living with my Uncle ever since my Mother passed away just over two years ago, my Father became desperate and depressed, he spent most his time down at the pub throwing his money away, buying alcohol.

Since living with our Uncle he's always wanted us to do well and that meant reading over text books constantly which he happily paid for. Our Uncle was a very wealthy man who worked with the Ministry of Magic alongside Mr Weasley. Even though our Uncle had a lot of dosh he never gave a single to penny to our father as he knew the only thing he would buy is alcohol.

"Fine I'll allow it this once. How's your brother and sister?"Poppy asked, this time not even looking up from her food.

"Kaidans fine, Orla has been acting kind of differently, I think its cause she knows that the dance is coming up in just over 3 months time, I think she wants to go with someone instead of just her and her friends this year" I smirked, I knew that my sister wanted to go with someone and it was my plan to find out.

"Ah, young love?" She replied

I sniggered at her reply and shrugged.

"Love, she wouldn't know what love was if it was thrown in her face" I laughed.

After the feast we all left the Great Hall and made our way into the depths of the dungeons, wondering what creatures lurked down there I made sure I stayed close the Poppy. The further we got to the common room the darker and colder it got. Even a Slythering like me gets creeped out by the dungeons.

Malfoy and his sniggering clique walked behind us. Pansy Parkinson held Malfoys hand as they walked. "I didn't even know they were a thing?" I thought to myself.

Daphne Greengrass stood next to Zabini and they both chatted away. Crabbe and Goyle both tagged along next to Malfoy and Pansy.

Myself and Poppy made sure we weren't in their way before they passed us. Don't get me wrong the girls are quite nice, well Pansy can be at times.

When we made it to common room, the head boy mumbled the password Pure. The painting door creaked open slowly and then we all began to pour into the room. Instead of the usual meeting down in the main part of the common room, myself and Poppy made our way up to out room and flopped down on our beds.

Our cases had already been brought up by the school elves and were stacked in a neat pile by the door.

"Wingardium leviosa" Poppy said as she flicked her wand, the two cases flew carefully towards us, then landed at the foot of our beds.

"Nice" I said before unzipping my case and taking out my four text books.

Hogwarts: A History.

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.

Goshawk's Guide to Herbology.

Advanced Potion-Making

I only needed the four as I could take the others out of the library whenever I needed them. Poppy and I were engaged in a conversation when the door flew open, the other girls in our room entered. They said hello and asked us how our summer was, then they also began to unpack things from their cases.

"Hogwarts is the place to be this year. I can tell. Something is going to happen, I can't tell whether its going to be good or bad or who it will effect but something big is going to happen." I whispered to Poppy as we began to get in to bed.

"You think? Anything to do with.. You Know Who?" She asked.

Now I'm not able to see into the future or past but I can get a powerful sense when it comes to events happening. Usually what I say is true.

"No, I don't think so, I don't think we'll be seeing anything of Dark Magic, other than in class. Its something else" I whispered back to her. She raised her eyebrow and shrugged before turning on her side in attempt to fall asleep.

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