Chapter 2

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Daryl POV

Daryl wouldn’t tell anyone this, but he really needed to talk to someone. About Merle, him coming back and living in the prison, and everything. The problem was, he didn’t know how to talk to people. He wasn’t the greatest talker in the first place, as he preferred to keep to himself. But when Beth joined him up on the roof, he found it easy to confide in her.

Beth obviously wasn’t as much of a “good girl” as he thought—giving the pretty blonde one of his cigarettes wasn’t something he thought he’d ever do. He’d never pictured her ‘breaking the rules’, so to speak. He did manage to talk to her a little about Merle, and the off feeling he’d brought with him upon his return. He cursed himself for not being able to talk more, but he was hoping he’d be able to talk to her again. He watched her go back into the prison and followed shortly after, sitting on his perch in the cell block until dawn. He wouldn’t—no, couldn’t—sleep, he hadn’t been able to since the farm.

He got up shortly after dawn. He found Beth with Judith outside, sitting on a bench in the courtyard. “Mornin’” he greeted her.

“Hey,” she said, shifting the weight of the baby to the other side of her body. She sat the bottle down and started burping her.

“You’re good with her. Keepin’ her quiet an everything,” Daryl remarked, giving Lil’ Asskicker a once over. The baby was certainly growing, and she looked healthy.

“Thanks,” she replied, with a slight smile. Maggie entered the courtyard then, asking Beth to help take care of some walkers that had piled up against the fence. Beth agreed, and said she’d be there in a minute. “Here, will you take Judith?”  she asked Daryl. Not waiting for an answer, she carefully placed the baby in his arms and went to join her sister.

They returned in a couple minutes. Beth walked over to Daryl and took Judith back. “Thanks for looking after her,” she said.

“Wasn’t any trouble,” he told her. “Kid’s quiet as a mouse.”

Beth smiled, and agreed. “Yeah, she’s definitely a good baby.” That’s when they heard the screams from inside the prison. “Whats going on?!” Beth asked. The screams were frequent and escalating quickly, as everyone started to flood out of the building.

“Dunno,” he stated. “RICK, GLENN! LET’S GO!” He bellowed, rushing into the cell block. Many of the Woodbury residents and the original prison group were now pouring into the courtyard. The other two men joined Daryl.

Beth didn’t want to stay in the courtyard, she wanted to go in and help. She handed Judith to Carol, grabbed her knife, and went in. She was chaos—walkers were pouring into the cell block, trying to make a feast out of everyone who still remained inside. She immediately stabbed a walker who was going for one of the older residents. She pushed the man back towards the door so he could escape to the courtyard. “Daryl, look out!” Maggie called. A walker had launched himself at Daryl, who had his back turned. Beth lunged towards the walker before it had a chance to sink its teeth into his shoulder, and killed it. This went on for a couple minutes, killing all the walkers who had come in, saving the few humans who hadn’t yet gotten out.

Finally it was all over, and the five of them—Beth, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl and Rick—exited the cell block. “It’s clear,” Rick said.

“What the hell was that?!” one of the Woodbury residents demanded.

“Walkers must’ve wrenched the door on the far side of the cell block open. We’ll go take care of it,” Glenn told her. They went back in, and indeed found the other door open. It hadn’t been wrenched open though, no. Someone had tied the door open, and from the looks of the blood and guts leading up to the doorway, the walkers had been lured into the cell block.

“This is crazy,” Beth said. “Who’d want to do something like this?”

Glenn turned towards her. “I’d bet it’s someone from Woodbury, maybe they want to take this for their self.” They secured the door, made sure it was shut tight. No more walkers would be getting through there.

The small group walked back through the prison, and Daryl fell into step with Beth. “Thanks for savin’ my ass back there. Walker would’ve got me if you hadn’t killed ‘em.” Daryl obviously hadn’t heard Maggie’s warning.

“Not a problem. I don’t want any of us to get hurt,” she said. Daryl grunted in agreement and they continued the short walk in silence.

A/N I’m going to try to update once a week. Hope you enjoyed this one !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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