Telling the truth

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Roc's pov

For the past few weeks Deanna has been giving me my pills and i'm getting better to be honest,i don't bully Deanna anymore and I think it's time for me to tell everyone the truth,me and Lae just got in the school and I tought this was the best time to tell her.



Roc:i should have told you this before but...I used to Bully...Deanna and...well I am Bipolar...and she's been helping take my pills and i'm getting better,and that's what Ray was talking about the other day.

Lae:Roc are you lying

Roc:No you can even ask Deanna and Ray

Deanna's pov

Me and Diggy were walking and talking and I saw Lae and Roc talking but it looked serious.

Lae:Deanna can you come here please

Deanna walks over with Diggy


Lae:is it true that Roc used to bully you

Deanna:well yeah...he did but i'm ok and he's getting better.

Diggy:are you serious man how could you do something like that

Roc:i'm Bipolar

Diggy:oh i'm sorry man

Roc:no it's ok i'm fine now

Ray walks over with Bree

Ray: so what are you guys talking about

Roc:i told them the truth about everything

Ray:really i'm proud of you man

Roc:and Deanna i'm sorry for putting you thru hell and Ray thanks for encouraging me to tell everyone

Ray: no prob bro

Bree:you guys excited for Ray's party

Lae:yeah I can't wait

Mylah and Prodigy walk over with Prince and Nelle

Mylah:i'm so excited for this party

nelle:i know right

Deanna:i'll see you guys later

Mylah:see you

After school they al party at Ray's house


They page is the end

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