Deanna's pov
We were in music class and we were assigned a project for who are favorite music artist is with,a partner,but i don't think.anyone would wanna be with me.
Diggy:Deanna you wanna be with me
Deanna:Are you talking to me
Diggy:Yes of course
Deanna:Sure i will be with you,meet me at my house after school
Diggy:I can drive
Deanna:No it's ok
Diggy:I'm not asking you
Mylah:Hey Deanna
Mylah:What happened to your face
Deanna:I fell on the way to school
Mylah:Deanna i know u didn't fall,what happened
Deanna:I already told you
Mylah:Fine,ill let this slide
Prod:Hey Deanna what happened-
Mylah:She fell on the way to school
Kayna:Hey you guys
Jacob:Hey whats up
Diggy:Nothing we just chilling
The bell ring
Deanna:See u guys
Mylah:See you
They all leave their class
In Art Class
Ray:I know what you did to her
Roc:What are you talking about
Ray:I seen you hit her.
Roc walks away
Bree walks over to Ray
Bree:You ok babe
Ray:Yeah i'm fine
Nelle's pov
We got a signed a project that you pick your favorite painter and it doesn't have to be someone famous.
Prince:Nelle you wanna be with me
Nelle:Of course
Bree:sure i will be with you
Ray:Yay*hugs her*
Issa:You wanna do this projects with me
and rock goes with Lea
How did Ray find out about Roc?
How do you guys like your characters?
My Bully is dating my best friend(Mindless Love)
RomanceThis is a story how Deanna best friend is dating her bully,and she finds love with Diggy Simmons.