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Title: Stranded (1D Fan Fic)

Author: DanceLikeMagicMike

Reads: 355,066

Votes: 14,774

Comments: 2,336

Description: The Town of Salem, Louisiana is a quaint little town. No more than forty people live in it. To most,Salem doesn't even exist, in fact it's not even on the map. It's been six years and five days since a single traveler passed through. So when five strangers bus breaks down they're welcomed with open arms by some, and other not so much. They have to wait a whole month till a part for their buses engine comes in. The only good part about this is nobody knows who they are. One month in a quiet town without being famous sounds like heaven on earth for the boys.

My Review:

I discovered the book by reading the status of a girl I'm following @Beachbumss she wrote "read Stranded amazing book." So I checked it and I didn't regret it. I think this book is amazing. Kendall is so funny and she has like a special personality. The idea is perfect like they're in a tiny town that no one knows them, and it's like it makes sense that no one knows them cause usually the girl goes to a public school, or lives in London and doesn't know the boys? like it doesn't make sense, but I think this one makes sense since they live in an unknown town. So I think the idea is perfect no one thought about it, it's unique. And I personally ship Ken with Louis cause they're cute. Your book is awesome. 


I  think you should edit your chapters cause sometimes I find a trouble with understanding the miss spelled word. No offence darling you're a great writer, but I'm just saying! And everything else is awesome.  


 hope you'll update soon, cause everyone is waiting for it, especially me. And I hope you read this cause you inspire me. 

~Okay so I decided to review this book cause I love it so much and I loved to make a review on it and share it. GO READ IT IT'S AWESOME! And don't forget to check the trailer it's amazing! (On side)

Remember if you want me to review your book message me~ 

                         **STAY S T R O N G**

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