Chapter 18

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My shaky hands slid the key to my apartment into the lock and turned it

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My shaky hands slid the key to my apartment into the lock and turned it. God I hope Andre isn't home. All I want to do is hop in the shower and clean myself of everything that had just happened to me. I didn't even notice it until I was driving home that I had blood splattered all over my clothes. Now if Andre sees all the blood all over me, he's gonna start questioning me about what I was doing while I was out. And I know I won't be able to come up with a logical explanation for him, because I can't even seem to form a logical explanation for myself to cope with.

I turned the key to the left and slowly pushed open the door, careful not to make it creak like it normally does and took a sigh of relief when I didn't hear anybody else in the apartment. I fully pushed the door open and pulled my key out before closing it, locking it and putting the chain across it just for my safety. I'm so concerned about Asia and how I'm trying to process what happened to her, when I can be in the exact same situation days, weeks or even months from now. I distinctly remember Sonya yelling before she left:

"You're next Lindsey! Watch your back bitch!"

Those are the only words I could explanation from what just happened, and they're the only words that seemed to stick in my mind. She said it herself for me to watch my back so obviously she has something planned for me, and maybe what Asia was telling me wasn't as far from the truth as I assumed it was. Maybe she was right about Sonya turning her back on us and maybe she was right about not being so trusting of people and maybe she was right about watching my back. Maybe Asia was right about a lot more than I chose to believe.

Whatever the case is, my best friend is gone and I don't even have anybody to talk to about it. I'm too afraid I'll get blamed for. I already feel bad about meeting up there with her when she knew she could've gotten killed for talking to me, and just that happened. Her life was cut short because she wanted to protect me and my family, and now I feel horrible about leaving her just laying in the ground like that.

But how can I go back now? If I go back, nine times out of ten, the police are already on the scene and investigating what happened, and if I pop back up, they'll think I had something to do with it. I'll immediately look guilty for just running away when my friend was in need instead of calling the for help when it first went down. I can't go back over to that diner. Not now, not ever. Once the police get involved, they'll easily be able to find suspects and I'll be one of the first. There weren't too many people in the diner, except for Asia and I, so I'm sure the diner employees won't have trouble figuring out I was involved.

Wait! I've seen it on TV numerous times before. A person commits a crime, the police are after a person looking a certain way, all that person has to do is change their appearance. And voila! They have a new appearance. I reached up and ran my hand through my straight hair, sighing. What if I cut my hair? Or dye it a new color? I think I can do that. I could start wearing it curly and I'll dye it blonde. That'll give my appearance a total makeover. But that's still not enough. I'll have to do something drastic with my face because it'll still look the same. I'll have to darken my eyebrows and thicken them up a bit. That'll make me look different and I'll have to start wearing less make up so then my freckles will show. I might even have to get contacts to hide my brownish-green eye color. I could get dark brown eyes. Nobody will recognize me then.

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