Chapter 26

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I'm glad you guys were able to get the comments and votes up on the last chapter, so I'm hoping you guys could do the same for this chapter and for every other chapter that follows lol :) 


(Teddy and Victoria in the picture)

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(Teddy and Victoria in the picture)

Teddy and I sat in the waiting room of the hospital since he thinks I'm crazy. There's nothing wrong with me and he knows it, but if he wants to play games with me, then I can play the exact same games with him. I'll behave to make it seem like I'm not crazy while the doctors are around but as soon as we get back to our house, I'm gonna rain down hell on him for bringing me out here to embarrass me in front of these white people.

But another thought kept resonating on my mind. I know Teddy trusts Rob for some strange reason but I don't. Maybe I shouldn't have killed Shyla, even though she was getting crazy and reckless, but I think disposing her body should've been something Teddy and I did alone. It could've been like a date. We could've chopped her up or buried her or burned her together instead of bringing in another person. Now we're gonna have to be weary of Rob, well at least I am. I already don't trust him from that stunt he and Hazel pulled, and I really don't want anything to do with him but I'm gonna have to keep my eye on him. He's too shady for liking.

"You know we're gonna have to kill him, right?" I whispered to Teddy as I kept my eyes on the receptionist desk.

"Who?" he whispered back.

"Robert. You know he shouldn't have been involved in that. Now he knows too much and he can't be trusted. After him and Hazel tricked us for over 20 years, I don't believe shit that comes out of their mouth and I just can't trust a nigga that's willing to leave his own kid for somebody else to raise then tries to come back where we left off. Fuck that and fuck him and Hazel. They need to go."

He sighed. "I know and I got that handled."

"How? I already know you're too weak and emotionally attached to do it on your own."

"For your information, I'm not that emotionally attached to him. I used to be in the past but I barely even know the guy. He's changed since he left so I got it handled."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Last night I took our information off of the car. I took off the tags and the license plate and removed everything in the car that belonged to us or had our name on it. I got a fake license plate to make it look realistic to Robert. That car has been leaking gas for months, so if he even breaths wrong, that car is going up in flames with him in it. He's not getting out of there alive."

I nodded my head. "Will this work?"

"I know it will."

"It better," I rolled my eyes.

"Victoria McDonald."

I looked up at the nurse standing in front of the small waiting room of people and stood up. I hope this doctor isn't crazy. I grabbed my purse out of the chair beside me and walked up to the nurse with Teddy following behind me. Once she led us back to where I'd see the doctor, it was a lot different than I expected it to be. I thought I was gonna get a check up or something but this is a mental doctor, like a psychiatrist. I rolled my eyes as the nurse led us down a long hallway. I thought I was gonna be able to put on an act for a doctor but I'm dealing with a psychiatrist now. They'll be able to read me if I'm lying.

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