The Golden Armor Alchemist

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Hey minna!
I'm sorry that I have not worked on my other story's as much, but I promise that I will do my best to improve on them. I know that some of you still read them.
Until then, please enjoy my new story! 😄

Muscles rippled underneath smooth fur, the lithe form pacing back and forth in impatience. Yellow eyes were lowered into slits, the color evident even in the pitch black night, the only light visible being the twinkling stars above.

A hiss sounded from the pacing beast, the frustrated tone echoing in the quiet space.

Hidden from the beast, a figure smiled, the air around them calm and kind. The figure appeared to be curious of the beast, for they quietly maneuvered them self around all noisy obstacles and came within close range.

The beast seemed to sense a change in the air, for its nose twitched and its front left paw circled around in the grass.

A laugh broke the silence.

"You are amazing, you know that?"

The beast turned around to see a figure clad in a black cloak, wisps of hair peaking through, yet the color not able to be seen. A huff erupted from the beast.

"I know that you can understand me. Your essence is that of wisdom, kindness, but it is also clear that you hold regret, anger, and uncertainty within you." The figure stated, hidden eyes softening. "But you do not need to be uncertain of me, wise man. You can show me who you really are, I promise I will not turn against you."

The beast remained a beast.

The figure sighed, hands reaching for the hood upon the figure's head.

"If I show you who I am, will you show me who you are? After all," the figure pulled off the hood. "That is what equivalent exchange is, no?"

Tiger orange colored hair became clear in the light of the stars, golden hues making themselves known as well.

"Now," she spoke. "I believe that we had an agreement." She swiveled on the ball of her foot, arms pulled back, hands clasped together. "And don't tell me that we didn't, because I could see it in your eyes."

The beast rolled it's eyes, but seemed to relent, for it sat down and closed its eyes, the beast in an obvious state of concentration. Within a moment or two, blue sparks flicked off of the beast, the result of it the residing of fur and the replacement of skin.

The beast, now a man, stood up to his full height, the transformation complete. With a roll of his shoulders and the crack of his neck, he asked, "who are you? And how did you find me?"

The girl chuckled humorously, a knowing twinkle in her eyes. "You ask how?" She circled around the man in slow steps, her body strolling around confidently. "Well, who else would send me all the way out here to find you?"

She stopped.

The man held his breath for a bit, wary of her next words.

"Master Bai, silly. And he sent me here to ask a favor of y-"

He cut her off.

"Master Bai? Why would he send a child in his place? Unless..." He turned towards the girl, heart filled with dread.

The girl nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Master Bai has deceased. Approximately 5 days, 12 hours, and 7 seconds ago." She turned her back to him, to collect herself, he was certain.

He gave her a moment.

Once she managed to gather her feelings together, she pulled out a piece of paper from a pocket. "Here. This should explain everything."

He took the note from her grasp, his eyes roaming the familiar chicken scratch of the deceased man. A smile pulled loosely onto his lips. I see.

He stole a glance at the girl waiting patiently, admiration showing in his eyes.

So you took care of him when I couldn't... And you trained with him as well... If he went through the trouble to write a note to me, then you must be special.

"What is your name, traveler?"

The girl snapped out of her concentrated position and stepped forward.

"My name is Cordelia Earl, sir." She reported. "And I need you to train me."

He nodded. "I am aware, I read the note." He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. "But what I want to know is why?"

The air changed once he asked that question.

It became tighter, tense. In a split second, her presence had changed everything. Her essence changed everything.

Cordelia looked at him with fire in her eyes, her lips turned into a smirk, hands pulling off her cloak to reveal-

An automail arm on her left, half an automail arm on her right, and when she lifted up a pant leg, he saw that she was also missing an leg.

"This is why," she spoke, startling him out of his stupor. "I need to get stronger so I can fix myself. And the only way to do that is to join the military and become a State Alchemist."

She cocked her head, staring him down with a look of resolve.

"Will you help me?"

The man crossed his arms and let out a large laugh. "From this day forward you can call me Yongnian Hu." He took a fighting stance. "But I prefer Master Hu."

Cordelia smirked. "Let's get started!"

A single clap sounded in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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