Chapter. 2

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Liv's POV

"We only have an hour and a half until we need to leave, we should start getting ready!" I commented frantically, thinking about not wanting to be late or having everyone else wait for us.

"Liv it's fine, we just need to look somewhat presentable." Melody said, barely noticing that I'm already stressed and classes haven't even started yet.

An hour later...

"Melody seriously, we only have half an hour left." I say while looking at myself once more in the full length mirror. I had decided to wear a flowing burgundy dress that complemented my hair colour quite nicely. It ended in the middle of my thighs- not too long or too short, and I chose to pair it with my black flats. Heels make me tower over everyone else, so I'm stuck with flats.

I glanced back over at Melody, who is finally up and dressed. Assembled was an outfit I have seen many times in the past. She wore a dark, sapphire skirt with a white crop top.  The short was good balance between conservation and revealing and the skirt was a perfect length for her body. On her feet she wore strappy sandals and she wore her dark brown hair in long, loose waves. The entire outfit showcased her indigo eyes and beautiful porcelain complexion. She snuck a quick look in the mirror, patting down her skirt with her perfectly polished nails before we turned to each other and headed towards the door to go to Sabrina's room.

Melody knocked on the door and we heard Sabrina yell to come in. Once we had entered, I noticed that Sabrina was wearing a black tube dress and her hair appeared to be in over-worked curls that had fallen out throughout the day. She too had on a pair of sandals. Before heading out the door, she quickly swiped some pink sticky gloss over her lips.

"Let's go." She chirped with a smile as the three of us left her dorm room.

Melody's POV

When we arrived at the lake I could already see the monstrous, scarlet flames illuminating the night sky. The three of us scurried to a group that looked like Sabrina's friends. As we approached, I could tell that there were seven people sitting in a circle. A tall blonde with spiky tips stuck out to me as he started to cheer. I immediately began to take notice of his accent. His wasn't British like Sabrina and  Liam's, it was...Irish. The rest of the group followed with the shouting and my eyes were immediately drawn to a tall boy with long, brown curls, standing in a white t-shirt, black jeans and boots. He stayed standing and I took in all of the bold, black ink that covered his body.

"I'm Melody." I say, quiet enough to be a whisper.

There were three other people I introduced myself to. One had dark skin, big brown eyes and jet - black hair that stood straight up, his name was Zayn. A boy names Louis stood beside him with soft brown locks and gorgeous turquoise eyes. Next to Louis was a girl with hair as dark as mine, but she also had warm brown doe eyes and perfectly plump, pink lips that formed a smile. Her name was Aspyn, who I assumed was Louis' girlfriend due to the fact they were standing so close.

Still across the raging fire was the tattooed covered boy, whose harsh gaze I felt cutting into my skin. Liv sat to my right and Zayn was sitting close on the other side of me. Snapping me out my thought, I heard Sabrina's piercing voice yet again.

"Don't just sit there, introduce yourself!" She practically screamed.

The boy with curls let out a sigh and a sassy eye roll in her direction.

"Sorry Mom," he sarcastically stated.

" I'm Harry."

xoxo. Molivia

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