Part 2

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"Oh (y/n), I've been looking for you...."

You perked up at the sound of the familiar voice, instantly knowing who it was as you quickly turned around only to come face to face with none other than Green who had his usual smirk on his lips though there was something about it that made you back up a bit as you felt he was up to something.
Staring at you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes Green finally spoke "what's up (y/n)? I've been looking for you everywhere," he said which caused you to raise your eyebrow and stare back at him suspiciously "and why have you been looking for me?" You asked as you held your gift for Red close to you, the brunette chuckling as he put his hands up in defense "I swear I'm not up to anything I was just told to give you this," he explained as he rummaged through one of his pocket's before he pulled out a small note and handed it to you. Taking the note you inspected it carefully to make sure nothing was wrong with it before finally opening it and beginning to read what was written on the note. On the note which you noticed was written in Red's handwriting it explained that the writer which was clearly said male wanted you to meet him by the water route between Pallet Town and Viridian City, once you had finished reading the note you looked back up to Green, an excited yet hopeful look in your eyes as he nodded and smirk widened and he made a go on motion with his hand which told you the note was indeed real and that you should go ahead. Heeding his motion you smiled at Green "goodbye Green, thank you!" You called to him before turning and running off in the direction of route 21 since you had to walk through route 21 so that you could get to the water route itself.

~ Time skip ~

After about ten minutes later you reached the water route and came to a stop right where the water started and looked around, Red no where in sight which worried you as you began to think that the note might have been a prank after all and Green had been messing with you. As you continued to look around you failed to notice a certain red eyed make walking up behind you, his Pikachu resting on his shoulder and a bag in his hands as he stayed silent, seeming relived to see you were there. Getting closer the male reached out and gently pat your shoulder "(y/n)," he said softly as you let out a yelp and jumped forward, quickly turning around with wide eyes as you had been startled by his sudden action but you instantly calmed down as you saw it was him "oh Red, thank goodness it's you, you scared me there," you said with a small chuckle as you rubbed the back off your head, waving to Pikachu who grinned at you, the male nodding "I'm sorry that I scared you, I didn't mean to but anyways, thanks for coming, I'm sorry I didn't come to you myself I had ended up needing a bit more time to get something for you together," he admitted as your cheeks flushed a bit at his words. Staring at him curiously you finally spoke, your heart beating widely "y-you made something for me?" You asked as Red nodded once more "yeah, here it is, Happy Valentines Day (y/n), I hope you like it," he said softly as he held out a bag to you which you took slowly. Once you took the bag you peered into it and pulled out a small box of chocolates which was in the shape of your favorite Pokemon, your cheeks brightening even more as you stared at the box in awe for a moment before looking back up to Red who had a slight blush on his own cheeks which surprised you even more but you finally managed to speak "I love it, thank you so much Red, ah, I have something for you as well!" You said as you remembered your own gift to him and began to  search through your own bag. When you finally found the chocolate you had made for Red you handed it to the male quickly "h-here you go," you stuttered out as you held it out to him, his hand reaching out to grab the wrapped chocolate as he looked at it for a moment before smiling a wide, genuine smile and looking back up at you "thank you (y/n), it's adorable," he said as he showed the gift to Pikachu who seemed to like it was well. Red's reaction made you beyond happy as you held back the urge to jump up because of your happiness "you're welcome, I'm so glad you like it," you said as you smiled back at him, the two of you staying like that for a while before before Red finally spoke up "well, since it's Valentines Day I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me in Viridian City for a while?" He asked as you instantly nodded your head vigorously in agreement "yes of course, I'd love to!" You replied as he smiled, reaching his hand out to you "well then shall we get going?" He asked as you agreed, taking his hand, you let him begin to lead you to Viridian city. As Red led you to the city you couldn't help but giggle softly and give his hand a gentle squeeze, this really was the best Valentine's Day ever.

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