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Falling. That was what was happening. Not litteraly but figuratively. I was falling in a deep hole, there was no light, no sound, no air. Nothing. It didn't end, but then again did it even begin? There were a million ways out, but none of them lead to where I needed to be. None of them lead to you. So I franticely found the next best thing, the one that lead to him. But he wasnt you. None of them were you.

I had never hated the beach more, never wanted to leave as bad as I wanted to right then. I knew what was going to happen right when you picked me up. I saw it on your face. The pain, sadness, and complete and utter hatred. Not for me but for yourself. The fact that you could break me without even scratching yourself made you want scream. And you were inside, I heard the whole time you talked. That's probably why I didn't listen, I knew what you were saying, I knew what you were going to say before you even knew.

"M.." you started

"Don't. Just don't. You don't get to call me M. Only people who love me can call me M. And obviously you don't love me, or you wouldn't be doing this." I slowly work through as I spoke, taking deep breaths to keep from crying.

" But Marley, I do love you. More than anything and kills me to do this to you. But I have to, it wouldn't be fair to either of us to continue on like this." You said it all in one breath, trying to convey as much emoition as you could in a few sentences. But it wasn't enough, I still knew that your heart had froze. And it had been that way for awhile now.

I turned away from you facing the waves. They crashed around me, making the sound of your voice go away. I didn't need to hear, I already knew everything. A storm was coming in, and not just out at sea. I heard a break in your voice so I turned back to you so you could see the tears. So you could see what you had done to me, to us. Staring straight into your eyes I walked by you straight to my car. Thankful that I had suggested we drove seperately, I started the engine and pulled out. You still stood there. Never moving even when the rain started falling. And as I lost you from my sight you where still there. And the sad thing was, I still wanted to be there with you. 

* Hey there everybody!!! I hope you like the prologoue (?)!! Hopefully I will be posting more soon!!




--- Paige *

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