Chapter 2: Tracen

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I walked for who knows how long. No turns, just a straight path to nowhere. Thats where I found him, in a little cafe on the side of the road. I didn't pay attention to the name of the cafe, just the man inside. He looked like an older version of you. I guess thats why I went up to him, something about him just seemed comfortable.

"Can I sit here?" I asked him. He looked up from his newspaper and nodded his head. I sat down with my black coffee and chocolate scone. I stared at him, not wierdly just looking. Examining every line, every freckle, every tiny imperfection that was completely perfect to me. He looked up at me and I saw his eyes, behind those glasses where the most perfect blue eyes I had ever seen. Don't get me wrong yours were great, but his, they were like the color of the ocean after a storm.

"Hi." he said, "I'm Tracen". His voice sounded like angels singing, like everything right with the world was floating right out of his mouth.

"M-Marley" I stuttered "My name is Marley." I saw a small smile stretch across your lips. No, not your lips, his lips. He wasn't you.

"Well, hello Marley, are you from around here?" He asked.

"Yes, just down the street in fact, I've never been here before," I replied. I liked this, I liked how it felt to have a real conversation. Not just listening to you go on and on about how horrible one guy was a basketball, when honestly I didn't give a rats ass. I could care less what the hell was going on in the game. Not everything was about you. Sometimes it needed to be about me. Tracen akwardly coughed awakening me from my silent daydreaming. I smiled and took a sip of my coffee. I coughed sputtering it out all over him. Damn! That coffee was hot and bitter, I realized I hadn't put any creamer or suger in it.

I hurridly started mopping up the mess on the table while he wiped my coffee off of his face and clothes. I could feel my face getting redder and redder the more he dabbed it off.

"Haha, your cute when your embarressed." Tracen laughed, he called me cute. Nobody called me cute since you. I giggled and got up to throw away our coffee napkins. When I sat back down he leaned forward, pecking me quickly on the lips. I was starteled and yet I liked it. A lot. He sat back in his chair and smiled at me. I started getting red again so I put my face down. He chuckled at my embarrassment.

"So, Marley tell me about yourself." He said. I didn't know what to say. My life was boring and it sucked. So I started telling him about my mom, she was the owner of the company Chix. A company that made face wash for girls. Then for some reason I told him about Dad. Dad was a police man who was good at his job but not so good at his life. He was a cheating alcoholic who left when I was 7. He went out to pick up some milk so me and him could have an oreo eating contest. I never ate oreos again. Then I told him about me. I was 17 and loved poetry. That was pretty much it. He already saw how I looked. Long brown hair, brown eyes, a button nose and big ass muffin top. Good thing I hid pretty well.

When I was done talking he just looked at me. Never saying anything he walked around to my seat and pulled me to my feet. We looked into each others eyes as he pulled me in. I had an idea of what was going to happen but who really knew? His lips brushed against mine lightly, and softly. Then he crushed his lips into mine, our kiss fell in sync. This was not the kind of kiss that was leading to something else. This was just a GOOD, old , make out kiss. I was thankful that nobody else was in the cafe. When we finally pulled apart we were both breathing hard, out of breath we sat back down. Both smiling and completely happy. 

"Marley?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I replied back.

"Would you like to go out tonight?" He said. I honestly don't even know why he asked, of course I would. Instead of making a fool of myself while I stuttered over words I just shook my head yes and I took a bite of scone. Which was cold now along with my coffee. I got up and ordered two more coffees and walked over to the table. I set his down in front of him.

"I have to go, my moms going to be home soon." I said.

"Meet me here at 6." He replied as he stood up to give me a kiss. It was just a quick peck on the lips but it was the best kiss I had ever had.


I walked home in scilence. But my thoughts were loud. And though I should have been thinking about my date with Tracen I was thinking about you.  Thinking about how you never once in our whole relasionship kissed me like that. Or made me giggle like a little girl. You were a jerk to me. I can't even count how many times I heard you mutter "fat" or "ugly" or even "bitch" under your breath when we fought. And those smacks to the arm or butt or head weren't "love taps" they were bitch slaps. You hit me! You cheated more than I could ever imagine. You would look at me or even touch me like Tracen did. You were discusted by me and yet you stayed. Why? Did you honestly think you were going to "get some" beacause I would never give you anything. And now this story I am writing for you, its not to make you jealous. Now its just to make you guitly. So enjoy my happiness. Beacause now you see what you could never give me. Love.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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