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Darkness is all he could see, it too quite, he try to move around but he felt he was tied to a ...chair?, his headache was worst, he look around kinda scared,suddenly the light tun on in front of him, he look forward to see a table there was someone on it,but it seemed it was asleep?,he slowly look up to see lot of photos, I mean A LOT of photo,of random people he doesn't know, but something caught his eyes, it was a photo he kept all the time, it was..Emily..his eyes widen,that mean she was here but where?!' he thought. suddenly the person on the table started to talk it sound like a girl..it sound familiar to him,
" b-bro? Bro are you there?......s-save me.....p-please....I'm scared.." the girl whimper
He look at her shock then growled try to get free he wanted to tell her everything was okay, he here now but she was acting weird, she was repeating it over and over again,
  " b-bro? Bro are you there?......s-save me.....p-please....I'm scared.."  
  " b-bro? Bro are you there?......s-save me.....p-please....I'm scared.."  
  " b-bro? Bro are you there?......s-save me.....p-please....I'm scared.."
 " b-bro? Bro are you there?......s-save me.....p-please....I'm scared.."
"I'm scared,why didn't you save me bro?"
he shake his head tears roll down his check 's-stop! just stop!he thought he start to shake
"Bro..hurry it hurt!...Big bro.....please...make it stop" "please!""Bro!" "make it stop!!make it stop!!" "ahhh!!!!!!"
He scream in pain as the headache started to hurt more painful
"wake up!" he heard someone shouted
"Wake Up!!"
"Bro..don't leave me alone...p-please...i-i miss you...i-i need you..."
he look at the girl who reach her hand out crying for help "bro...i love you...d-don't leave.." suddenly someone grab her into the shadow.
'NO!' he thought as he woke up gasping sweating, he felt someone hug him
"thank god..you're okay..." someone said,he notice who it was, Jeff, he started to sob in his shoulder shaking,he was too scared to go back to sleep,he felt safe in his arm.

Jeff pov
Jeff was waitng for Jayce outside his door but it seem he not coming,"did something happen?..." he thought
until his eyes widen when he heard a scream, Jayce, he kick the door down and run upstairs to his room "Jayce!" Jeff shouted as he open the door to see Jayce on the floor screaming,kicking in the air, again Jeff shout "Jayce!" he ran to him and grab his shoulder start to shake him "wake up!!"
it seem it didn't work so he did it again "Jayce!! Wake up!! damn it!!" he keep doing it over and over until he woke up gasping for air,Jeff quickly hug him "thank god..you're okay.." Jeff said,he knew he was okay, until he felt something wet on his shoulder, he was crying ,shaking, Jeff hate to see him like this,so he did his best to make him better,by rubbing his back until he calm down which did work,
Jeff look at Jayce eyes to see it red and puffy?, "let me guess..nightmare?.." Jayce nodded, Jeff sigh until he notice something red on him,blood, he grab his good arm and dragged him to the bathroom and try to find bandage and others to help the blood to stop, 'ah ha!' Jeff thought as he finally found it he quickly grab it and started to do watever people do to their arm, later on Jeff finally finishes as he look at Jayce eyes to see it was empty,heartbroken,sad.. Jeff hug him again "well it make you better if i stayed?...: jeff asked as he felt him nod, when Jayce got up and walk to his bed and lay down,Jeff walk beside the bed and grab a chair sit on it "go to sleep.." Jeff said smiling as he watches him gone to deep sleep

(sorry about how jeff acting so soft to him! he was meant to be mean...right??))

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