two: "I don't think a hearing problem or having bad vision'll stop you."

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With Tobio-san guiding me around, we finally arrive at the gym.

"Hey!" Everyone greets us as we walk in. Still being guided by Tobio-san, I get set down at a bench. I put my bookmark in the book and look up wards, seeing Yachi-chan in very close proximity to my face. "Hello, Yachi-chan." I say, pushing my glasses back up my nose, seeing as they slipped down whilst I was reading.

"Why do you even wear your glasses, Hinata? You could wear contacts." She asks. I look over towards Kageyama, shouting about pork buns or barbeque or something. "Someone once told me I look cute with them on." She giggles. "What's so funny, Yachi-chan?" Suga-san asks from behind Yachi-chan. "Hinata seems to be in-mmph" Suga-san covers Yachi-chan's mouth before she finishes her sentence. "Yachi-chan." Suga-san says in a warningful tone, as if she was about to say something she really isn't meant to. I know what that thing as, seeing as she says it in her head. "Suga, I would've known anyway. Yachi-chan isn't one who wouldn't think of what she was going to say before she says it." I say, covering my mouth with my hands. "I mean-" "What do you mean, Hinata?" Suga says, and I just wish someone would use their time manipulation so I wouldn't say that. "I mean-"

"DAICHI! COME OVER HERE!" Suga yells to the captain of the team, Daichi-san. "Yes, Suga- wow, Hinata, you're here! Nice to see you again." "Daichi, I was here yesterday-" "DAICHI!!!" Suga yells, interrupting my conversation with Daichi-san. "How long have you known?" He asks in a quieter tone, and I eye Daichi-san as if to say 'don't you dare I swear to god I will end you' and then he says "Since Kageyama introduced us to him. He knows I know." And I swear if I couldn't have read Daichi-san saying "sorry" over and over in his head, I would hit him. "Stop saying sorry Daichi, it's blocking my vision." I say, and he steps out of my view, but I can still hear him saying "sorry sorry sorry I'm so sorry sorry" and it's getting rather annoying. "Daichi, it's fine. I won't hurt you, I promise. And nor will anyone else." I say, and the repetitive "sorry"'s stop. Suga and Daichi walk off, talking about Daichi's ability and how "we're in a relationship, we should be able to share these things!".

"Hinata, what do your glasses do?" Yachi-chan asks from beside me. "They stop all the words from coming into my vision if I don't want them to. Usually though, at night, it's like a light gets switched off, and POOSH, they all disappear. Every last part of my ability is gone." I explain, and Yachi-chan looks at me as though i've said something weird. "I'm sorry, that must've been a childish explanation..." I say, scratching the back of my head. "You know, I also wear glasses because I have really bad vision. And hearing. Funny, huh. The most abnormal kid can hardly see or hear, yet he can read peoples minds. You probably think it's stupid." I say, sighing and leaning back. "I mean," Yachi-chan starts, moving to stand in from of me, leaning forwards. "You seem like an intelligent kid, and a quiet or shy person. But that's not your personality at all. You're loud, jumpy and you can shine. I don't think a hearing problem or having bad vision'll stop you, Hinata." We both laugh.


"To-bi-yo!" I say to Tobio-san, who's currently walking in front of me, towards the library. "Shoyou." He says, stoping to talk to me. "I need to tell you something." He says, still stopped facing away from me. "Go ahead, Tobio-san! You can tell me anything." I say.

"What colour is that bird?" He asks, and as if it is obvious, I say "It's yellow, right?" and he turns to me with tears in his eyes. "It's yellow! Shoyou, it's yellow!" and now he's braking down in front of me, falling to his knees, wiping the tears from his face rapidly. "It is yellow, that's right." I ask in a questioning tone. "Isn't the obvious?"

"Shoyou, I'm going to die in 10 years. It's not a special ability. It's a disease."

"If that's true, Tobio, I should've died 3 years ago."

"I've gotten really sick, Shoyou."

"So have I, Tobio."

"I'm going to die!"

He cries his heart out, and I've never seen him in this state. He doesn't even cry over books. He just, stares into space.

"I'm going to die, too." I say, and it's the sudden realisation that he's got flames coming from his back, that he's got an elemental ability, and that he really will die.

"I don't want to leave Shoyou alone, goddammit!"
"He's my only real friend."
"He's the only one I can trust."

"Please, dear god, don't take this boy from me." I say, staring up at the stars shining above us.

I just walk over and hug the boy who's on fire in front of me, and his flames go down, and he snuggles into my shoulder.

"Don't leave me like everyone else, please, Shoyou." He says to me, and I feel a tear fall down my face onto his back.

"I wont."

[ lmao this is more of a short story than an actual fic, so please don't mistake it for an actual great fiction piece bc then youll be rlly unimpressed.

this was the last chapter of them as high schoolers. my boys grow up so fast !!!

next chapter'll explain what happens in between the chapters~

word count: 909

Thanks for reading!

- Telisha ]

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