"Look After You"

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For weeks until Matt's release, I did all of what Matt wanted me to do for him. I brought him a scrapbook of pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, I made his favorite bagel sandwich; a Salmon and egg bagel. Throughout that whole time, I could hear the song "Look After You" by the Fray playing in my head.

Then, it was time for him to be checked out and for me to move him to my apartment. I had spent the past month leading in clearing the extra space of my room, making sure Matt was going to be as comfortable as possible. All they had to do was remove stitches around his stomach and chest, and he was to be taken out in a wheelchair. Through the whole move, I could keep hearing that stupid Fray song playing in the background. Only it was actually just my head.

When we got there, I carefully picked him up out of the car and into a wheelchair, and we wheeled off into my apartment building. Laura had already stopped by to give him his clothes from out in Wales. He was happy to see she even brought his Badger puppet, Charlie. He wanted to introduce him to the pink one.

"So," he started as we were sitting down to dinner later, when we've finished setting him up in the spare room. "What exactly do you do for your workplace if you don't initially work at the hospital?" He wanted to start up a conversation.

"I'm actually a volunteer for four days out of the week." I explained more thoroughly. "I clean up, change the hospital beds, I even remove the trash. Then I place flowers on the tables when people are in the rooms. What I actually do for a living is work as a video store clerk." I said to him.

"Nice. Do you have any friends working with you?"

"Not really. I don't have very many friends at work, Just a boss who is sort of the closest thing to a best friend. Her name's Leslie. Outside of work, I make friends with DVDs and CDs. I love classic sitcoms from the 1970's and 1980's. I'm even making a collection of Night Court DVDs. I love Night Court." I said.

"So a bit of a loner, then?" he retorted. I just shook that comment off and gave him the only comment I could.

"Classic Dan Fielding you are, Matthew Robert."

"How do you know my middle name?" he asked.

"It's on you're Wikipedia page. Also, you said it in a deep voice when you woke up." I answered. After dinner, and we brushed our teeth, I helped Matt to his bedroom, undressing him and putting his pajamas on him. I couldn't help but laugh a bit when I saw what kind he had. Then when I was getting him a glass of water, I knocked over some papers on his dresser. I noticed it was the short stories he wrote when he was announced as the Doctor.

"Oh, these must be the short stories you wrote. And before you ask, I learned about them on the Nerdist podcast, when I was bored one New Years' Eve."

"Ah, and before YOU ask, you can't read them. Not just yet, at least until I can trust you enough with them."

"And why don't you trust me enough?"

"Because you could be some stalker and you've already proved with those pictures. Besides, they might be too inappropriate for you to read."

"Please don't Brian Crookshank your way away from me on the short stories front. I'm 21, afterall and I've been doing things for you that I KNOW you like and YOU haven't died yet."

"Yes, but I'm 30, I can't trust you yet and I say NO!" He was stern about it, and I was a bit frustrated. I really wanted to read these stories. But I knew I had to wait until he gave me enough trust with his personal life.

"Fine, I'll wait until you trust me more. Good night."

"Goodnight, Ms. Lyons." He winked at me again as I turned off the light to his room, smiling at me in unison with the wink. I went nuts with that. The song ended as I turned the light off and went into the other room.

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