Hard to see

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I had to call my boss at the video store, Leslie, to give me a ride. I was crying so hard, I was afraid I was going to crash my car. When Leslie found me in the terminal, she went to me with sympathetic arms.

"Oh, poor baby." She started. "What happened?"

"I kissed him goodbye, and then we parted ways. As soon as he was gone, I have been crying ever since."

"Oh, come on. I'll take you to my place for the night." I agreed before blubbering again. Ironically when we walked out of the airport, it was raining. I felt the cold drops all over my body, and just felt lonely.

When we got to Leslie's, I was given a pint of Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked Ice Cream, and a half thing of Oreos. Then Leslie suggested we talk about the complete relationship.

"I loved him. He was even sending me those signals that he was interested in a woman who knew about those who she took care of. I wanted him. He kissed me the second his arm was coated in pepper juice. That night, we made love for the first time."

"Was it the only time the two of you had sex?"

"Yes." We've only kissed three times since then." I dove right into my Half-Baked and started feeling that power of adrenaline resonated from that night, then I broke down again. Leslie, as soon as I was done with my Ice Cream and cookies, took me into her bedroom, brushed my teeth, put me under a cold shower, and put me to bed in her room, then crashed on the couch.

I woke up the next morning and found my clothes cleaned and folded as if they came out of the laundry fresh and ready for me to get dressed. Suddenly remembering what I had done the day before, I started to want to slink myself further into Leslie's bed. Then I felt a slimy thing under my feet. I looked under the sheets, and out came a giant snake. I leapt out of bed screaming for Leslie.

"WHAT?" She hollered in an annoyed voice.

"Big snake. Big BIG snake." I said. She went to see what I was carrying on about, then said "Oh. It's just Gruber. He's my pet anaconda. Don't worry, he was bred in captivity at the zoo, but when he was a baby, the zoo he belonged to couldn't afford to keep him with his family, so they held a contest to see who could get to keep him if they gave him the best and most unique name ever. I won."

"I see. Is he friendly?"

"Of course, he is. Say hello, Gruber." Gruber came to the upper part of the bed, stuck his tongue out at me, then wrapped his body around my stomach.

"That means he likes you." Leslie told me.

"Right. Look, I should get home and ready for my volunteering shift tomorrow. See you on Sunday?"

"Sure, dear." Leslie said as I got dressed quickly. Then I left Leslie's, went home and added Matt's phone number to my contacts. Then we talked on the phone for an hour to make sure he was settled in there. Then I started reading the copy of short stories in the envelope on the table. They were quite good.

I knew I wanted to continue our relationship, so we talked on the phone often, then I would sleep in his old room for a while. That's all I could do until I was able to handle the fact that he was far away from me. I couldn't drive to or from work on rainy days, because I thought of the hospital, and Leslie had to drive me home. It was just...hard.

"Are you going to be okay alone tonight?" Leslie asked me a little over a month later as I was trying not to think about Matt's birthday. Two weeks earlier, I didn't want Harry Anderson's birthday to end, because I didn't want to suffer on Matt's. Luckily, I had Halloween to handle. Then I got a call from Matt, and then I had to answer.

"Hello, Matt? Hi, happy birthday. No, I didn't forget, it's just been a bit too busybusybusy! Haha, yes."

"Oh, that's good." He said. Laura said that you helped her when my contacts needed to know what happened to me. Thanks."

"Oh, it was nothing." I told him. We talked for hours. I knew it was hard because Laura wasn't forgiving that I had slept with her brother, but I knew that I had to risk it to talk to him, hear his voice because I really missed his voice. It was the closest thing to actually holding him at night. These calls were the only things keeping me from actually attempting to ride a stream of trains to England to reunite with him. When we finished talking, I felt more desperate than ever. Then the next morning, It got worse. Laura called me to tell me that she found out through Matt that he called me, then she told me that she's already deleted me from his phone and threw the number away, and then she banned me from EVER talking to him again. It gutted me, and I just wanted to drink plenty of diet coke, mentos and pop rocks I was so depressed. Finally, Leslie got wind that I didn't go to the hospital, and had to check up on me. I was just about to overdose on the mentos and pop rocks when Leslie stopped me by bursting the door in.

"Oh, god. Are you alright? Why haven't you been volunteering at the hospital today?" She saw the pop rocks and mentos, and started laughing, trying desperately to tell me that it didn't work, but she couldn't stop laughing, making my situation worse. I was DISTRAUGHT!

Afterwards, Leslie saw that I was crying again, and asked why, so I had to tell her.

"Oh, honey. I am SO sorry. I wish there was anything I could do."

"Would it matter? God, this is the worst year of my life. Then again, it's been one of the best. I am just so depressed."

"Tell you what. Why not go to the club with me tonight? It'll be fun. Just the two of us, trying to find new love? Come on, let's go." She was pulling my arm, but all I wanted to do was cry and sulk.

"Just go on without me, Les. I want to be alone."

"Alright, suit yourself. But come to work tomorrow. We all care about you." She left, and I just curled up in my bed, smelling his aftershave on the pillow he laid his head on the two nights he went to bed with me. I cried again, lonely.

In my care-A Matt Smith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now