Chapter 1

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A loud yowl had came from a small ledge a black cat with yellow gleaming eyes. Rainkit had been spending time with this tom than spending time with Echomist's new kits. Rainkit had finally reached 6 moons but was wondering when will ceremony will take place.

"Cats of Shade Clan, as you know I will not be around forever, so it is time that I took an apprentice. I have chosen a young bright feline who has showed dedication throughout her kithood." The black tom began his speech, Rainkit felt a hot rush travel throughout her body. She knew she was the feline Echowhisker was talking about.

"Your next medicine cat will be Rainpaw." The words rolled out of the medicine cats mouth. Eyes began to glare at Rainpaw as she was made apprentice. Soft cheers broke out congratulation the new apprentice but broken with a towel from Hailstar.

"Rainpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to be medicine cat?" Hailstar's tone had ringed through her ears, she couldn't believe she was going to be next medicine cat.

"I do" Rainpaw meowed proud and bold as she then puffed out her chest showing her dedication to the clan. Echowhisker had rubbed his coat onto his new apprentice, as he made his way in front of her as the other cars cheered out her name.

"Tonight we travel to moon stone, get some rest I'll come to you when we are ready to head out" Echowhisker then moved his muzzle over Rainpaw's crown giving a lick of respect.

"Rainpaw" A soft cry that had woken her up, pacing her self outside the apprentice den and the journey begins. Passing by all the clans, trying to remember every scent and ever thing along the way. They reach a cavern entrance, the tom glanced at the apprentice giving a nod of approval. Both cats sit among the moonstone, Echowhisker keeping his gaze on silver pelt waiting for moon high.

"Rainpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of Star Clan as a medicine cat?" Echowhisker meowed loudly beginning the actual ceremony to be consulted to Star Clan.

"It is"

"Then come forward." A slight pause was given as Rainpaw scooted herself closer to her mentor.

"Warriors of Star Clan, I present to you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her with wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her clan according with your will" Echowhisker rolled on with the ceremony then giving a nod that it was time to share tongues with Star Clan.

Rainpaw laid her small body on the cold stone letting her nose touch the stone. Everything became dark, no one was there. Did Star Clan reject me as being the next medicine cat? In a moment heat began to fill the area she was in, burning her body. Fire? But where? When? Suddenly flames began to show with a pulse of fear Rainpaw ran and ran running away from the fire. Rainpaw had woken up, glancing around noticed that Echowhisker wasn't there. She ran outside wondering if he was the one that was burning. She stopped right in front of him with her eyes filled with fear.

"You're ok" Rainpaw panted with relief rolling her body muscle into a sit. She felt more calm now that her mentor was ok. Echowhisker had a glance of confusion and beginning to wonder what she had saw with Star Clan.

"You know if you are ever confused about something you saw you can talk to me or Hailstar about it" Her mentor suggested, but hinting he wanted to know what Rainpaw saw. I can't worry him, he is already stressed enough. I don't want to be the next burden in the back of his mind. Rainpaw nodded her head and lead the journey back home.

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