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Luka~ Werewolf

The howling kept getting louder. Today is the last day of summer and school starts tomorrow :P. if I don’t get some damn sleep tonight everyone at school tomorrow will suffer one slow painful first day. And que the howling -.-. So what does my smart little brain tell me to do (note sarcasm)?

I open the window, lean out and yell out, “If you damn wolves don’t shut the hell up so I can get some sleep there is gunna be hell to pay!” slamming the window shut I lean against it, did I seriously just yell at wolves? Yup I did haha. Good thing no one lives near me or that would have been pretty embarrassing.

My mind drifts to the boy I saw in town a couple days ago. He was the definition of sexy with dark chocolate almost black hair, a smile that sent shivers down my whole entire body, and these deep knowing eyes that seemed to light up the moment he saw me. I know that last part is a bit far-fetched but a girl could dream and may I say I have dreamed of that boy a whole hell of a lot. I was broken out of my daydreaming by a scratching noise on my door along with a small whimper .It sounded a lot like a dog and I sounded hurt. Me, being a total softy opened the door only to find not a dog but a…

WOLF! I stumble back into my room tripping over my pink heel falling right on my ass. The wolf rushed over to me, well as fast as his injured paw would allow him. I covered my head praying I wouldn’t be eaten. Suddenly I felt something cold and wet nudging my hands and slowly dropped them only to find myself face to snout with the wolf. I studied his face noticing how similar his eyes look to the boy I saw in town a few days ago I could swear they were the same.

A soft whimper brought me out of my thoughts and I remembered THE POOR BABY WAS HURT! I slowly got up fully aware the wolf was watching my every move and lead him to my huge bathroom. I got him to lie down and grabbed the first aid kit. When I looked back at him he was holding his injured paw out to me. I whispered to him, “Sorry buddy but this is probably gunna hurt, like, a lot”. I started dabbing peroxide on his paw trying to clean it as fast as I could so there wouldn’t be too much pain. Soon it was all clean and I wrapped it with the only gauze I had, neon pink ^_^ hehe.

“Sorry babes it’s the only kind I have”, I said when he looked at me cocking his head. Then he moved right on top of me and gave me a big lick haha. I scratched his fluffy head and sat up, him still in my lap. I looked up at him and grumble out, “Come on boy. I got school tomorrow”, just now remembering. I glance over at the clock and see it as already 10:38. Ughhhh now imma be cranky in da morning.

I find some pajamas and start to undress only to look over and see the wolf with his eyes closed waiting patiently. I quickly slip the rest of my pj’s on and climb in bed before telling him it was ok to look. He slowly opened his eyes and trotted over to my bed with pleading eyes. I sigh and move over making room for him to jump up, which he does. Once he gets comfy I scoot back over and cuddle him since its freezing and he’s so warm and fluffy. Within five minutes I’m asleep.

Waking up I feel something warm on my back and remember all the events from last night. But something doesn’t feel right. I soon get my answer when I look down and realize there is an arm wrapped around my waist. I slowly turn around in my bed only to find a boy in my bed instead of my wolf. Looker closer I realize not just any boy but the one I saw in town some odd days ago. Screaming I quickly pushed him out of my bed and onto the floor. He instantly woke up and jumped to his feet looking alert and focused. When he realized there was no danger he looked at me and said, “Hi, I’m Luka”.

My jaw dropped and I just stared. Did he not think it was totally creepy that he was just sleeping in my bed with me?!?! “Where the hell is my wolf?” I demanded. “Um well it’s kinda a long story and I don’t think you wanna hear it right now considering if we don’t start getting ready we are gunna be late for school and I don’t think you wanna miss your first day”, he commented. “Fine, Luka, but we WILL be talking about this when we get home from school”. With that said I shooed him out of my room and got dressed, did my hair and make-up, found clothes for Luka and we set off to the bus.

~After School~

Thank god hell is over for the day! Luka was in ALL my classes. If a boy tried to approach me Luka would scare them away with one look. Not that it was a total bad thing considering almost all the boys who came over to me were manwhores. At lunch all my friends, Luka, and I all sat inside and he snaked his arm around my shoulder. I was so cold that I just leaned against him and ate my food. Every once in a while he would look down and smile at me which made me blush and snuggle my head closer into his chest. It felt so right but I was still wondering about my wolf.

Once we got home Luka sat me down on the couch and told me he needed to show me something. Before I could even comprehend what he meant he started twitching and shuttering. Then suddenly Luka wasn’t there anymore and in his place stood my Wolf! LUKA WAS A-A-A-A WEREWOLF!!!

Luka then changed back and got down on his knees in front of me, grabbing my hands. The next words he said made me feel all warm inside and suddenly I didn’t care if he was a werewolf as long as he was mine. He said, “I love you Alex, I always have and I always will. I promise to protect you and care for you for the rest of our lives. Please Alex be mine forever?”

I was too shocked to talk so I did the next best thing. I kissed him. And let me tell you that boy is one hell of a kisser all around me it felt like we were in the middle of a firework show.

I knew from then on everything was gunna be fine.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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