2. Birthday with the evil

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Monique's POV

I'm doomed!!!!!

Well, I'm here in this place where there's a balloon, party hat, and of course cake with a barney placed on it. I used to be like this on my birthdays when I was young but hell, not this time! This is not what I want on my birthday, of course.

His suite was boring. Typically boys' taste. We have the same structure but different color. His was plain white while mine is white and black. There is a big chandelier in the middle of the big living room (bigger than mine), a big white sofa placed facing the big flatted screen built in the wall. On the other side, there is a little fire place. There's a big rounded stairs on the corner of the kitchen and I don't know where it going. I think it's a secret place coz it's dark I can't figure it out. This place is half big as mine. I guess this one is expensive.

I'm now sitting in the sofa and wow. It feels like heaven. I want this thing on my suite. I imagine myself laying on this comfy sofa. I like it! I giggle and lay my body on it. I don't know I just feel like it was my home.

I change my position and my eyes landed on the boy sitting next to me.
I didn't know that this boy is my neighbor.
He's tall, dark brown eyes with his light brown hair, tan skin, of course he has a good body like a model.

I examined his face. He'----he's handsome as the moon lightens my night in the middle of nowhere. Okay. I'm totally overreacting. Pshhhhh.

Off all people on earth, why he has a dimple. Why not me? I'm jealous. Life's not fair! I want to pinch his cheeks. Arghhhhhh!

"Hija. You okay?" Lolo gave me a cake. I think he came from the kitchen. Lolo is a tagalog term for grandpa.
"Oww. Yeahh. I'm okay lolo. Don't mind me. Thanks for this." I eat the barney cake.
"Do you mind if I'll ask you?" I face him. Honestly, his older version of his grandson. I forgot the name. I'm sucked at it.
"Sure" I smiled looking at him. He is now sitting beside me and now I realize that moron. Okay. This was supposed to be his nickname I want to call him coz I totally forgot his name. Well, I don't care what is his name tho. I scan the living room and he's nowhere to be found. I look at lolo when he started talking.

"So you've been here for a long time?" I don't know what's his suppose to mean. Here in this city or here in this place. I look at him confused.
"You mean here in this place lolo?" I asked.
"Yep. Hija" he popped the p---. Cool. I like him. He seems so young--- in mind.
"Ahm. I think almost a month or less. I forgot lo." I shrugged.

"Oh. You're new in here. So I guess you've been here because of Casper." I laugh of what just he say. As in hard. I can------t. Omayyggadd. Breath monique, breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I compose myself. I'm now facing him. He's face was puzzled. I think, in his mind thought that I'm a psycho or what on earth I've been laughing at.

"Lolo" I started.
"First of all, Cassy and I are not friends since I'm new in this place and hell, I'm not living here because of him." He seems more of a puzzled face. I don't know why!

"Okay. I understand. You and Cassy are not friend so, I think you and Casper are. I don't know who's Cassy by the way. So I pressume that you and Casper are living together in this place. And I hope so." I face palm my hands. This is so embarassing.

"Look. Lo, I'm sorry. I'm suck at names. I don't know why. So Casper is his name. Noted. Forget about Cassy or who's that name are. What I mean is I'm talking about Casper and not Cassy." I explained. F*ck. More embarrasing moment when it comes to name. Sh*t, sherlock.

I remember when I was in high school when I forgot the name of the teacher and I called her Miss Barbarian instead of Miss Barbara. And the whole class was laughing of what just I called her and she seems so angry. She's looking at me like she was going to kill me by her looks. I don't know what am I going to do or say on that time. I'm just starring at her with apologetic look. My classmates are laughing so hard and she walked out and never go back on our class on that day. They are thankful because we don't have a class whole day in her time. According to my classmates that she's a terror teacher and she deserves to be laughed but for me it's not because that was her technique to get our attention and I'm not mean to her! Not even once in my life I've done such terrible scene. And I felt so guilty. I can't even sleep the whole night. I promise on that day that I never ever call a person on there names since I don't f*cking remember it. Except that I known them ever since so I don't bother thinking.
Well, that was my embarrasing moment and it's happening again right now. Hayyyyyyyyyy.

Will you be my NOTHING?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon