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Javier's P.O.V. ( pic above )

Today is Saturday and every Saturday me and Destiny play basketball. I'm going to wake her up now since I know that she could sleep all day and then eat at night. I walked to her room and Henesy was still here sleeping in Destiny's bed. She's like my little sister too. Ever since me and Destiny moved to Miami it's like she's apart of this family too.

Me: time to get up
Destiny: I know I'll be up in five minutes
Me: ight

Destiny's P.O.V.

Me: get up bebita
Henesy: why
Me: we play ball today
Henesy: oh yea ok I'll be up in five minutes
Me: be up before I get out of the shower
Henesy: ok

I already know her lazy ass ain't getting up.

Henesy's P.O.V.

This chica es muy loca if she thinks I'm getting my lazy ass up. I'm going right back to sleep.

·1 hour later·

Destiny: GET THE HELL UP!!!!!!! AHORA!!!!!!!
Me: ¿por que? i want to sleep

I got up fast as hell and went to the bathroom to take my shower.

Javier's P.O.V.

I heard Destiny yelling at Henesy to get up. It was mad funny when she threatened her with the chancla and I heard quick footsteps and a door close.

Me: Des come here
·I hear her running downstairs·
Destiny: qué tal Javi
Me: do you just want a granola bar or do u want actual breakfast
Destiny: granola bar claro que sí you know I don't eat heavy before exercise or else I'll puke
Me: ight what about Heny
Destiny: no sé I didn't ask her
Me: well then go ask her

She left and went up the stairs skipping steps as usual.

Destiny's P.O.V.

I went up the stairs two at a time as I always did when I'm in a rush. But, this time my foot slipped and I fell back. By the time I hit the floor Javi was running over worried.

Javier: are you ok mija
Me: I think so

I tried to stand up and my ankle started to throb with pain. I almost fell back down but Javi caught me and helped me to the couch.

Javier: I don't think you are ok Des
Me: I'm fine bro I think I just need to rest it a little
Javier: alright but if it still hurts tomorrow you're going the doctors
Me: ok deal

He walked away and I winced as i tried to move my foot. He turned around and i quickly fixed my face.

Javier: you ain't slick I saw that you're going to the doctors as soon as Henesy gets out of the shower
Me: bro I promise I'm ok yea it hurts like hell but it ain't nothing I can't handle
Javier: that's what you said when you fell off of your bike when you were twelve and guess what your wrist was broken in three places
Me: please Javi I promise if it still hurts tomorrow I will go
Henesy: if what still hurts what happened
Javier: Ms. Clumsy fell down the steps and hurt her ankle and she doesn't want to go to the hospital
Henesy: you did the same shit when you were twelve
Me: so
Henesy: so? you were whining all day
Javier: she's right 'don't touch it, it hurts'
Henesy: 'i can't tie my shoe'
·They laughed·
Me: you guys are mean

I stood up and that was a mistake.

Henesy's P.O.V.

She stood up and passed out.

Me: now she is definitely going to the hospital
Javier: yea help me pick her up

We both grabbed an arm and put her on the couch.

Me: now what
Javier: we get her in the car before she comes to
Me: good idea

·Skipping car ride·

Doctor: so what happened
Javier: um she fell down the stairs and complained about ankle pain
Doctor: how did she pass out
Me: she got upset and stood straight up then fell right back down to the floor
Doctor: did she hit her head
Me: yea she fell forward
Doctor: (to the nurse) get a CAT scan to make sure there is no concussion and an X-Ray for the ankle
Nurse: right away doctor
·She left the room·
Javier: will she be ok
Doctor: as long as she doesn't have a concussion she'll be fine

Destiny's P.O.V.

I woke up and the first person I saw was Henesy. She was just staring at me.

Me: what
Henesy: you're gonna be fine but your ankle is broken you get your cast in a couple weeks
·She sounded so robotic·
Me: ay mi I guess I wasn't ok (I giggled a little)
Henesy: it's not funny Destiny (she said clearly upset)
Me: I'm sorry you know I can't be serious
Henesy: yea I know mija I was just worried about you
Me: I know but I'm ok now
Henesy: yea true
Me: where is Javier
Javier: right here I had to fill out some papers
Me: can we go home
Javier: yea we can go home

·At home·

Henesy: Tyrone was like 'I'm trynna help yuh bitch ass' and i was like 'who the fuck you think you talkin to'

We were in my room laughing. She was in my bean bag chair and I was on my bed with my leg up on top of 2 fluffed pillows.

Me: what did he say
Henesy: he didn't say anything he just smiled at me
Me: his goofy ass always smiling at something
Henesy: I know right
Me: I wonder when Javi is going to be done with dinner
Henesy: I know right tengo hambre
Me: go see
Henesy: you sure you'll be ok alone
Me: sí
Henesy: ight I'll be back

She left the room. My phone started ringing I checked the caller ID it was Jon. I declined the call and texted him.

·Text convo·

Me: wdyw cabron
Jon: i wanna say im sorry
Me: id wanna hear it so leave me alone

After that I blocked his number. I don't have time for the bull shit my fucking ankle hurts and I'm hungry. I lifted my leg off of the pillows and grabbed my crutches. I struggled down the stairs and into the kitchen. They were whispering about something. I guess they didn't hear these loud ass crutches so I crept behind the wall and listened.

Javier: we both know I'm not just gonna let that puto live right
Henesy: Javi chill out ok
Javier: no he hurt mí hermana now I'm gonna hurt him
Me: how do you know about that
Henesy: I may have told him
Me: why would you tell him
Javier: because she knows she can't lie to me
Me: well anyway Javi chill I'm not hurt I mean I was at first but now I'm cool
Javier: ok sis I just don't like how..
Me: I know Javi, I know but you don't have to do anything because I'm ok and that's all that matters, right?
Javier: ¡claro que sí!
Henesy: bien now everyone's happy, when can we eat and be happier
Javier: oh yea I forgot *clears throat* (he yells) DINNER IS READY
Me and Henesy: SERIOUSLY
Me: was that really necessary
Javier: (in a sophisticated tone) why yes, yes it was
Henesy: you clown
Javier: oh you both love it
Me: Haha Javi no we don't

Javier's P.O.V.

As Destiny wobbles away on her crutches Henesy sets the table and I get the pot of spaghetti off the stove.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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