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Destiny's P.O.V. (pic above)

I opened my eyes and looked around my room. Sunshine beamed through the window. My door opened to reveal mi hermano. His name is Javier. He is 21 yrs old. He takes care of me because our parents died in a house fire 3 years ago.

Javier: hermana time to get up
Me: but I don't wanna
Javier: Destiny Sophia Hernandez get the hell up
Me: ugh fine "dad"
Javier: don't call me that you know I hate that
Me: and you know I hate it when you say my government
Javier: ok lo siento now get up por favor
Me: ok bro

I got up reluctantly and walked to my bathroom to get in the shower. On my way Javier walked out of my room and closed the door. ·Skipping the shower and other bathroom hygiene· I lotioned my body then I put on my underwear, I put on some black skinny jeans, a black shirt that says IWABW( I wish a bitch would ) in white letters, and I threw on some Jordan's. I grabbed my black and white jansport bookbag and put my computer and charger in it. I grabbed my fully charged phone off the charger and put it in my back pocket.

Javier: vámonos Destiny
Me: here I come
·I ran down the stairs out the door and to the car·
Javier: ready
Me: hell yea
Javier: rock paper scissor shot for whoever gets to control the radio
Me: ohhh you're so on

We put up our fists said rock paper scissor shot and I won he threw paper and I threw scissors. He always throws paper. Sometimes I think he lets me win but, it's cool I still love him. I put my phone onto the plug and played come thru by Drake. That's our favorite song.

Javier: watch me
Me: goin' outa the way
Javier: when I shoulda went home
Me: only timea the day
Javier: I get to spend on my own
Me: I was trippin' off high
Javier: used to sleep at ya crib
Me: should drive by right where you live
Javier: then pick you up on the way
Me: we ain't spoke in so long
Javier: prolly put me in the past
Me: I can still get you wet
Javier: and I can still make you laugh
Me: you should call into work
Javier: if that ain't too much to ask
Me: I can pour you up a drink
Javier: and we can burn something
Me: come thru
Javier: come thru
Me: come thru
Javier: come thru
Me: girl you know we got things to do
Javier: girl you know we got things to do
Me: so get yo ass in the car
Javier: come thru
Me: come thru
Javier: come thru
Me: come thru
Javier: girl you know we got things to do
Me: girl you know we got things to do
·He paused the song·
Javier: now get the fuck out my car you have school
Me: nice one bro
Javier: hasta luego
Me: nos vemos

I got out of the car and waved at Javier before walking into school to my locker. When I opened my locker a note fell out of it. I read it and it said "Bebita imma be in adv. if you were looking for me". That's my boyfriend Jon. We met last year but it wasn't love at first sight. I hated him at first but we're cool now. I put my bag in my locker, closed it, and headed for adv.

Jon's P.O.V.

Destiny must not be coming to school today. I guess I'm bout to go fuck with my other bitch.

*text convo*

Me: yo Zoom
SideB: wat
Me: I'm rockin wit u today
SideB: ard I'm at my locker I'll wait here

I walked out of adv. on my way to Nezome's locker. She my side bitch but, she don't know she my side. Destiny don't know about her either and I plan on keeping it that way. I got to her locker and we started to walk through the hallway to our make out spot.

Destiny's P.O.V.

I was walking through the hallway on my way to adv. but then I saw Jon walking with some girl. I followed far behind them being careful not to walk too closely. They stopped at the janitors closet and went inside. I walked closer and went to peek through the little window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought he loved me. I guess I was wrong. I hit the door making them stop. He looked so surprised. I flicked him off and ran down the hallway to my bff's adv. When I got there she was in the doorway cusin' some boy out.

Henesy: ¡Hijo de puta! ¡No me jodas!
Me: ¡Oye Henesy!
Henesy: Aye! ¡Como estas!
Me: estoy terrible
Henesy: ¿por qué?
Me: he's cheating on me
Henesy: where is he
Me: calm down
Henesy: no he hurt my girl now he gonna pay
Me: no Henesy calm down por favor
Henesy: ok I'll calm down for now but when I see him he's dead
Me: can we skip today
Henesy: I don't know
Me: por favor I really need to get out of here
Henesy: chica we have to stay we have exams
Me: oh yea I forgot ok well later we can hang out
Henesy: ¡Claro que sí!
·The bell rung·
Henesy: time for first period

We linked arms and headed for our first period class which is algebra 1 honors. I love algebra because I'm a total math geek. Maybe this class can take my mind off of what that pendejo did.

Mr.Smith: alright class grab a partner and work on this worksheet

I looked over at Henesy and she looked at me. As soon as the teacher said get to work we got up and sat in the back and started to work.

Henesy: so you cool right
Me: Henesy you know not to bring it up because if I talk about it I will cry and I don't want to cry so please don't
Henesy: I know I know lo siento
Me: how are you and Tyrone
Henesy: we cool he came over my house yesterday and......

·Skip the day·

I avoided Jon all day even when he sat next to me in chemistry I kept my mouth closed and my attention on the teacher. Javier was waiting for me outside in the car. I could hear pipe it up by migos even though the windows were up. I opened the door and the music got louder. I closed it and he turned it down.

Javier: so how was school
Me: fine I guess
Javier: cool so do you got plans later today
Me: yea me and Henesy are gonna hang out after we finish homework
Javier: cool her house or our house
Me: ours
Javier: ight guess I'm making dinner
Me: yes you are
Javier: what do you want
Me: enchiladas
Javier: got chu

·Skip car ride home·

Henesy was already there waiting on the porch. I got out and unlocked the house door while Javier locked the car doors. Me and Henesy ran up stairs to my room and started to work on our homework. When we were done she spoke.

Henesy: so now can we talk about it
Me: Henesy-
Henesy: don't Henesy me who did he cheat on you with
Me: no sé
Henesy: damn it well are you ok
Me: ·Now I lose it and cry· No I'm not ok the boy I thought loved me cheated on me with some random girl why would I be ok
Henesy: awww mija let it out

I balled my eyes out. Henesy held me and rocked back and forth until I fell asleep.

Javier's P.O.V.

I'm making dinner and I don't hear anything. Either they're trying to prank me or they are sleep. I'm gonna go with sleep until I get a face full of water or flour. I hear footsteps behind me and the fridge door opening.

Henesy: no one is trying to prank you
Me: who said you were
Henesy: we both know you were thinking it
Me: ok ok I was where is Destiny
Henesy: sleep duh
Me: is she ok
Henesy:·Almost choked on her water· Yea she's fine
Me: you're lying why are you lying
Henesy: promise you won't get mad, do anything stupid, or tell Destiny that you know
Me: I promise now what is it
Henesy: well she kinda caught Jon cheating on her with some girl she saw them kissing in the janitors closet

I started to boil. I wanted to hit him but I promised and I won't break my promise.

Me: well if she ever decided to tell me and wants me to handle him I will
Henesy: I know and that's why you're the best big brother ever

She hugged me and went back upstairs. I went back to cooking and thought of what I would do to him if Destiny did want me to handle him.

Henesy's P.O.V.

I know I shouldn't have told him but he had a right to know. When I got back into the room Destiny was on the phone I bet it was Jon by the way she was talking.

Destiny: no you listen to me pendejo I don't give a fuck ok fuck you and your bitch tell her I said she can have you and tell her if I see her I'm gonna make her wish her mama kept her legs closed.....no Jon have a nice life I'm done with you

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