chapter 1 : meeting them

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ok so first chapter of my story i hope you like it and sorry if there are mistakes this is unedited


Lillian POV

i wrapped my wrist in a fresh layer of gauze and surrounded it bracelets . if you haven't noticed already i cut my self . it just helps me relieve some of the pain . weird right ? well not for me its a daily routine and I'm constantly being bullied so i bring it everywhere i go .

my friends all do it as well so what's the harm in it .

i went down stairs to get some break fast but my mom wasn't there .

i found a note on the counter top saying

'your mother an i are gonna be working late again tonight so here's some money for some food love mom and dad '.

well i guess i should introduce myself , I'm Lillian but my friends call me Lilly or lil I'm 15 years old a cheer leader and I'm also sort of emo . Shes a cheer leader why is she being bullied ? you might ask the answer to it is i don't know .

ever since i joined the cheer group they started to bully me . I don't know why . But now i have to go to hell or what others call it 'school' .

i got to school and realized all the girls were crowding near the front doors .

"Lillian baily come to the front office please " i heard through the speakers . guess there are new students . i said to my self .

when i got to the front i saw 10 drop dead gorgeous boys who i made eye contact with all of them which i couldn't stop starring at them they were all beautiful .

" Lillian please show these boys around the school "

"ok" i said under my voice .

i was showing them to the chemistry room when i was pinned to the wall and all 10 of them growl "MINE!" wait do people growl !? i asked my self .

"l-let go" i said trying to get . out of the blonde ones grip but he was way to strong for me .

"i don't think so "he said grabbing my arms and putting them above my head and started to kiss me .

"come on tanner hurry the fuck up i wanna have a turn "

he let out a growl letting the other one have a turn with me . i hate to say it but it felt really good like i belonged there .

'cause you do' a voice in my head said which shocked and made me curious .

the bell rang indicating it was time for class . they put me down and when they did i bolted out of the room to my first period class , gym .

oh how i hated gym . it was also when my the cheerleaders including me train and I'm always being bullied by the girls in the group and some of the guys .

i change to cheer outfit which wa just regular sports bra and spandex under wear with sneakers .

i got out on the field where we usually practiced and found 3 out of the 10 boys who surrounded me earlier running laps for gym .

they were all really fast and was ahead of everyone .i was watching them when an annoying voice yells in my ear .

''hurry up bitch we need to practice !" Bailey the head cheer leader said flipping her brown hair and putting a hand on her hip .

i just nodded at her and her crew of fake plastic girls and started to stretch .

i was doing back flips when something or should i say someone tripped me causing me to fall straight on my back causing to knock the air out of me .

they were laughing there asses of when i felt someone pick me up .

it was one of the boys with brown hair . he glared at them and so did the other two which caused them to flinch and back away .

"p-please put me down i can walk god gave me two legs for a reason you know "

they all let out a deep raspy chuckle which made me shiver in delight .

wait what !? snap out of it Lilly !! i said mentally slapping my self .

i was struggling to get free from this man gods grip which was a freaking death grip . i mean he didn't even budge when i struggled to get out .

finally when he loosened his grip i slipped out of his grip and fell to the ground . or so i thought . i was emideatly caught by 6 pairs of arms and was lifted up to my feet .

wow they have fast reflexes .

"what are you thinking you could have gotten really hurt " all three of them yelled .

which pissed me off and caused me to yell .

"why do you even care I'm just the emo loner chick nobody talks to and bullies " when i said the last part all three of them growled .

"ok what's with the inhuman growls ?"


"ok don't answer just leave me the fuck alone ok it would be best " i said walking away only to collide with 3 muscular chests .

"you are ours you will not walk away from us !"

i was about to say something when ......................


ok so i hope you like the first chapter and to tell you now i have really slow updates .

but please



























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