Chapter One

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I forgot what it was like to run from the sound of sirens. I guess you do when the sirens stick you in juvy for 6 months. I have to tell you juvy and wasn't how I planned on spending my summer break. It isn't my fault, really. It's my dad's. He hid the liquor from me, so I had no choice but to steal it from the store down the road. I didn't know there were cameras, and I don't run as fast when I'm intoxicated. Which is most of the time. I run harder, faster. I can hear the sirens getting closer and closer. I just got out and if I get caught again I'm going to be in for much longer than half a year. I wasn't always this way. I used to be a good kid, the nerd. I never had any fun. I was always pushed around and beaten up. I couldn't take it any more. I started to cut myself. My mom was always there for me, she helped me through, but she died two years ago. Dad was always angry and upset. My father never much liked me, even when I was little. Always blaming me for everything, the fact that we had no money, that he lost his job, but mostly for Mom's death. My mother didn't just die, she was murdered. Wrong place at the wrong time I guess. She was taken, kidnapped on her walk home for work. Our family's never had the money for a car. We could barely afford our apartment as it was. Cops never found out who did it. Whoever it was isn't a person. No person could do what he did to my mother. No whoever did this is a monster. Monsters steal people. Monsters torture for fun. 

My dad, Pete, he never wanted me. So after mom, things got bad. He stopped looking at me, I wasn't aloud to eat, most of the time he locked me in my room when I was home. Whenever we were together he always beat me and yelled. His favorite thing was to follow me around saying "I wish you'd never been born. If you hadn't your mother would still be alive. If we didn't have you, we could afford a car and a house. Your mother was on that street because of you. You killed her!" He only made my life worse than it already was. I started sneaking out, drinking, and stealing. I skipped school. I stole because it was the only way I could eat. I drank because life was to much. I wanted to forget what happened, forget what my life had turned into, but no matter how much I drank I couldn't. I  ran away, lived on the streets for a while. Then I found the boys. I found a home. But I still continued to do what I do best, run. Running, what I am doing now. Running down backstreets and alleyways, but I can't seem to shake them. My shaggy, sandy hair covering my bright green eyes. If I could just get to Eighth Street, where my buddy Pipsqueak is waiting for me. I called him when I heard the sirens. He is there to get me, hopefully before the cops. Running down the ally off 12th. Pigs right on my tail. I come up to a fence, no problem. I climb it and jump it on instinct. 6 months in a cell, but I still got it. The fence gives me some slack. I keep running and take the sharp right that leads towards 9th. I can't go back. and I can't lead the cops straight to Pips. I look around, a door just to my left. I don't know where it goes, but I don't care. I run up to it, thankfully it's unlocked, a perfect hiding place. I hear footsteps, and duck in closing the door, to what turns out to be a storage room, just as the police turns the corner heading my way. They run straight past never once stopping and looking at the door. Once they're past I wait a minute to make sure that I'm clear. Slowly I open the door, looking around for cops. No one. I head up to 9th and down to 8th looking for Pipsqueak's black pick-up. "Will!" I hear Pips call. "Pips!" I yell back, walking up to him I wrap him in a bear hug. His black hair as slick as ever, and his brown eyes gleaming happily. "Man it's good to see you Pips!"
"You too Will." Looking up I see a unfamiliar face leaning against the truck. "Whose the bozo up on the truck?"
"Oh, that's Ricky, he just moved here from Detroit."
"Big Dog's not trying to replace me is he?" I ask Pips jokingly. "Nah man Ricky had no where to go, Devon took him in." Pipsqueak is the only one who uses our real names. He doesn't like using our nicknames, for what ever reason. I walk up to Ricky. "Hey man, the Pip tells me you just moved here, names William, friends call me wabbit." I extend my hand. "Richard," he says taking it, "Everyone just calls me Ricky."
"Well Ricky welcome to the group."
"Thanks man."
"Come on Will," Pipsqueak says, "The boys are dying to see you." We all climb in the truck, and head off to the warehouse.

*A/N* Yello everyone. I started writing again. None of my other stories got very far, but i'm sticking to this one. Sorry but the chapters are probably going to be a bit short. Commentary is always welcomed. So tell me what you like, what you don't, and I'll try to get chpt. dos up as soon as I can. Laterz -S

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