Chapter Three

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*Here's Chapter 3 hope you like it. It's short for the amount of time I spent on it, srry. Hope to have 4 done soon. Comment what you like, what you don't, and what you think should happen. Laterz -S

I’m running, not because I have to, because I want to. I love to run, ever since I was a little kid. Running around a track made of ground up tires. No one is chasing me, but everyone is behind me. I’m running, barely able to hear the sound of hundreds, maybe thousands, of people yelling and cheering for me. Running so fast all I can hear is the wind, all I can see is that gold medal that awaits me once I reach the finish line. This is where I’ve always wanted to be, after running, cross country, track, varsity track, anytime I got the chance I run, and my life is perfect.

“Wake up faggots!” I’m awoken from my dream by Noah kicking Dylan’s and my feet… God he is such a douchebag. “We got a code 1 dumbasses.” Fuck, code 1, that means an intruder in the warehouse. Who in the hell broke into our abandoned warehouse? I shake Dylan awake, he always has been a heavy sleeper. Dylan’s the second oldest, so he is considered the second in command. After Dylan is me, it’s kinda our own little chain of command. If something happens to one of us the next in line becomes responsible for the boys, responsible for feeding the boys, and making sure if anyone is lost looking for someplace to belong, they can belong here. “Does Big Dog know?” I ask Noah.

“Big Dog’s out, so get the fuck up and deal with the problem.” Noah responds. Can he get any douchier? Is douchier a word? “Which entrance?”


“Would you mind leaving so we can get dressed?” Dylan asks.

“I’ll be right outside the door. Don’t keep us waiting fags.”

“Is douchier a word?” I turn and ask Dylan.

“What?” He asks out of both sleepiness and confusion. We get dressed and hurry to the main entrance. They know it was an intruder because they didn’t knock. We always knock twice, wait ten seconds then enter. If we hear the door open without a knock, too many knocks, too little time, or too much time we know it isn’t one of the boys. Often times it is the police, people call saying they saw some kids “trespassing” in the old warehouse. The pigs hate being at the warehouse just as much as the general public, so they never look real hard. If you stand in the right spot at the right time, it is really easy to avoid them. The cops never look into rooms, they just wander around the warehouse for so long, till they decide to leave. Looking towards the door from Dylan’s and my vantage spot. We see that it isn’t a cop at all. It is a teenage boys, a rather attractive teenage boy. He is very built, years of hard work shown is his muscles. His red, I think it’s red, hair cut in a buzz style. His young face covered in freckles, proudly displaying his bright green eyes. He looks about 16, but could be older. I turn to Dylan as he mouths He’s cute in my direction. That’s what I was thinking I mouth back. “What are you gonna do bout it Dylan?” Pipsqueak whispers as he walks up to Dylan and me.

“I’m gonna ask what he’s up to.” Dylan responds. Dylan slowly leaves his hiding spot. “Can I help you?” He asks the stranger.

“Why would I need the help of a faggot gang?!” The stranger says. Well that was unexpected.  “So you’re the warehouse boys huh? A group of homeless dweebs lead by the biggest idiot Devon fucking Dixon.”

“How do you..”

“Know everything about your gang of retards?”

“We’re not a gang.”

“Keep telling yourselves that. You must be Dylan the fag, and where’s the other fag, William? Who else would do the talking since Devon is out talking to his big brother.”

“Big brother?”

“He didn’t tell you? Figures. Daniel Dixon, Devon’s big bro, is the leader of the Grand Street Gang. Just moved in to this lovely town of yours. I’m here to find a nice little hideout for the gang, but I see this place is already taken. So I have no reason to stay. Make sure the warehouse boys stay away from us, or we’re gonna have some problems. See you around.” He finishes with a smirk, turns around and walks out. Leaving my head spinning due to the confusion. “What the fuck is his problem?” I say irritated walking up to Dylan.

“Not sure, but what I do know is that we’re going to have a talk with Big Dog and he is going to explain what the hell is going on.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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