Session 1.5

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"do you know why you're here."

"because my mom thinks i'm crazy,"

[winces but continues]

"you mom wants you to get better. you need to talk about your experiences,"

"you mean the death i witnessed."

[puts head in hands]

"okay, let's take a break. why don't you tell me about your neighbours. "

"they live in a white house. they have an annoying ass dog that barks-"

[sighs exasperatedly]

"the people. talk about the people."

"um. they're nice i guess. they have a daughter. she goes to my school. um..."

[trails off]

"what's her name? have you spoken to her?"

"no. she would think i'm weird."

"maybe you should try-"


"you're not going to make any friends with that attitude."

"i thought i'm supposed to be myself."

"you are, but you have to try and be friendly."

"i don't want to be friendly."

"then you won't make any friends."

"i don't care. it was my mom's idea anyways."

"you need to try to get better!"

"i am trying! did you see a person get stabbed and shot in the head? no, i didn't fucking think so! it's really hard okay?"

[storms out and slams the door]

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