Hetalia Reacts To HetaOni

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{ A/N - Prussia and Canada have joined the crew }

* HetaOni Movie Trailer Starts Playing *

America: So Dudette what are we watching?

England: Is that Prussia?

Prussia: Look At Zhe Awesome Me Talking About Awesome Things!!

Germany: What is that in the backround?

Romano: Looks like a mansion and WHY AM I TALKING TO YOU POTATO LOVING BASTARD!!!!

Germany: * rolls eyes *

Italy: what is japan doing?

Japan: It rooks rike I am searching for something ( it looks like i am searching for something )

Canada: * eyes widen * W-W-Why is P-Prussia covered in B-B-Blood?

England: * is shocked *

Italy : * crying * why is everyone covered in blood??

America: Tony why are you scaring us??

Japan: America-san that's not tony

Prussia: Canada is playing the piano?

Romano: theres something behind the piano........OH NO!!!!!!

England: We're all dead....even that bloody frog......

Italy : * crying * stop this video please.......

Question Time----------------------------------

Host: What were you watching?

Romano: Obviously a horror game starring us.......

America: Ao Oni?

Japan: HetaOni.......

Host: Did you like it?

Everyone in unision: NO!!!!!

Host: Why didn't you like it?

Italy:because everyone died except me......

Canada: Everyone died...

Prussia: who made us enter that mansion in the first place?

Host: Even if it's not true, would it make a good survival movie?

England: You mean it's not true, love?

America: HELLZ YEAH!!!!

Japan: I don't know...

Germany: Did you even watch the end, the boy wearing black made Italy cry......no it won't!!

Prussia: I agree vith vest.....

Italy: I'm fine guys * forced smile *

Romano: Lets go home Italy....


Canada: hetaoni does not belong to us.......

all rights goes to the owner........

*cries* Bye guys 

"Come kumajiro"


p.s You can watch the video here - http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12795427

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