Nightmares And Strangers.

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A/N: This is dedicated to HereComes_TheSun because she was our first fan! :D


Escaping Justice: Chapter 2

Nightmare And Strangers

I chucked my keys on the table sighing in contempt. I sometimes did miss having my family around me but my Mum and Father were always traveling so I was alone. My mood was drowned and I started towards the steps, I walked up the stairs and into my dark purple shaded bedroom and switched the lights on dragging my feet to the end of the bed I flopped myself down on it.

I sighed knowing I’d have to get up and get changed. Then I let another exasperated sigh escape my lips when I realized I would have to move again tomorrow. Which meant packing and I hated packing. I let out a groan and wiped my exhausted face walking over to my wardrobe. I quickly changed into my tank and shorts before flipping the covers off and falling onto my bed yet again and flopping the covers back over me. I let my eyes drift slowly as they fluttered closing and I slipped away into my dark mind.


The whoosh of the wind was calming yet made me feel edgy and attentive. I looked around at my scenery to realize I was in the dark alley way, pitch black alleyway precisely. I walked through the alleyway wrapping my arms around my body while goose bumps rose on my arms. I heard footsteps behind me and my breath hitched, becoming quicker by the second, I spun around and looked but no one was there, I breathed out a sigh of relief before turning back to where I was walking only to be stopped by bumping into a muscular figure shocked I stumbled back looking at the figure.

I gasped putting a shaking hand over my mouth as my body shook with fear, I looked up at the person who I least thought would do this, who I thought was the good guy. Justice.

“Justice…” I gasped, I looked at his bloody white t-shirt, slowly and regretfully I looked down on the floor to see my Mamma and Papa's blood dripping out of them. Tears sprung to my eyes and I sprinted towards my mum and father on the floor dying.

“Mamma…Papa!” I screamed my voice croaking from the sobs beginning to come from my shocked mouth.

"Por favor no abandóneme...Por favor mamá! Por favor papas...Por favor no muera!" I sobbed, "Los quiero mucho..." I screamed in my first language, Spanish. My heart pouring all of its content out and into the open. The pain, the sadness and the anger.

I rocked my dead mum and father’s corpse back and forward trying not to let them go as tears rushed down uncontrollably. I felt Justice grab me roughly and ripped me away from them.

I thrashed around in his grip screaming and sobbing and crying louder as he spun me around to face him, his face with a wide smirk and a knife in hand with blood on it. Then it hit me like a ball would hit a baseball bat. He killed my parents.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?”! I yelled sobbing loudly

“Well. It seems that I've killed them,” He smirked. I screamed punching his chest hard, he didn’t even blink. I stopped, scared.

“No...No! I thought you were supposed to be the good guy!” I yelled as he lifted the knife above my heart.

“Oh, I am. Trust me,” He chuckled manically and striking me. I could feel it puncture my heart as I grunted gasping for air. The blood flowing out of my body and onto the floor as I fell helplessly out of the world…

*******Back to Reality********

I sprinted upright in my bed screaming and grabbing my spot where the knife punctured my heart. It felt so real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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