One Week Later

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In the past few days we’ve been helping the police with the investigation of the man and the house. It turns out that there had been at least twenty people who’d gone missing in similar circumstances and the body that was there when I first arrived had not only been mistreated like us, not only been branded, starved, then overfed; but had been raped and beaten. The man was located, arrested and sent to a high security hospital, where the tumour on his face was tested to be cancerous and he was sent to the psych ward and declared clinically insane. His name is Damiano Genovese; he came from an Italian family who died from food poisoning. He was taught to cook meats and such at a young age and with him living in a rural house, had very little access to places where he could shop. With the people around his house, he ate their meat, and used their skin for leather. Rather than receiving a death sentence, as any other case like this would be, he was sent to live out the rest of his natural life in the hospital, due to his mental state and the facial tumour which was soon to kill him anyway.

Darrell’s family invited me and Claudia to the funeral and burial. It was the hardest thing, knowing that I could have saved him if I had more energy, and I was asked to get up and speak.

“Even though I only knew him for a small few days; I saw how much of a caring person he was. I was the last person to see him alive. He cared a lot for his two companions in that basement, if it weren’t for him we would have died in there, he gave me his keys which released us from our chains, and even gave us some of his food when we were hungry. He was a truly caring man who deserves the upmost respect.”

People cried, family mourned, and knowing that the family would suffer through his loss, especially his twin daughters, I felt exceptionally bad for not being able to do anything more to save him, and me being the last person to be with him alive, when it should have been his family.

Claudia recovered and the baby slowly got there too, it was going to be born underweight, but that was to be expected.

Claudia kept contact with me and Darrell’s family, and we grew very close from such a horrid experience. She even promised me to be the godparent of her child.

A few months ago I was contemplating killing myself. What a stupid thought. In a way I owe my life to Damiano, if it weren’t for the torturous experiences in that chamber, I would not have met these people, and would probably not be here today.

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