Chapter One

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My parents always told me "no matter what we will always be proud of what you do." This now only makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.

I really know for sure this isn't going to make them proud of me and what I have done, but they have a right to know.
But first let's go back to how it all happened...

**a week earlier**

"Hey love birds how was your morning?" I say as I walk up to my best friends Justin and Alice.

"We would have been here earlier, but someone wanted to take her time" Justin says as he points to his girlfriend. She turns to him and scowls at him, then to only ignore him.

"Would you look at me babe please I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean it" he tries to get her attention, but she doesn't budge.

This only irritates him to where he grabs her face and has a full on make out session with her.

"I'm going to class lovebirds, see you later on" I yell as I make my way into the school building.

Sometimes I don't like the fact that they got together but its my fault I wanted to play matched maker during summer break. But then again I never make a good decision like EVER!

I barely made it into class before the bell rang. My first hour was Trigonometry. Yeah, yeah I'm a nerd. Sucks for my friends because they are only taking Algebra 2 during our last year in high school.

I swear no matter what this class has to be the most boring class I have taken. Once again taking note while Mr. Scnaps talks forever. I started to drift off to sleep until I heard a door being slammed opened, which caused me to jump.

"Mr. Collins why are you late to my class?" Mr. Scnaps asks Bryce Collins.

"Sorry sir coach kept us last this morning" he says while panting like a dog.

I took the time to take in all his features. He wore a black v neck with dark blue jeans and grey high tops. His black hair that dripped of water, as if he just got out of the shower. The blue eyes that every girl seems to love. His muscles that makes his shirt fit very well on him. I snap out of my thought when I seen him make his way over to his seat

Let me tell you who Bryce Collins is. He is the all star player of our football team and basketball team. He has some times that he is sweet and some times he is an ass to anyone who gets in his way.

Little secret I have has a crush on him since freshmen year. As the day went day and classes began get even more boring finally it was time to head home.

I got home only to be welcomed with silence. You may think why isn't anyone home??  Well my parent are busy business people and have no time to be home.

This only caused me to buy a house of my own and live there instead of wondering when they will be home. I am an only child so its better for me and for them.
I sat on the couch scrolling through Netflix wondering what to watch, I finally decided on My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. I started to fall asleep when I heard a knock on the door.

The person I found standing out there is what shocked me the most. I opened the door and the only words that came out of my mouth were "Bryce??"

------------------------------------------------- omg Bryce is at her house what will she do?? So many things could happen...

A/N if you could tell me how I am doing, if I need to make the chapter longer or if there is any suggestions on the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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