Hope, Crystal, Elizabeth May 10

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Hope came over and asked me if I wanted to spend the night at her house. She said that Elizabeth would be there, so I said yes.
" It is going to be so much fun! We can do each other's nails and watch scary movies and eat popcorn! You know, the usual!"
We were all super excited. We did this every weekend and it was fun every weekend.
We have been best friends forever and always will be. Then things started to get awkward.
Hope anxiously said" I am going to ask Damian out this week!"
" OMG! I am so happy for you!" We replied.
" He is so hot and his abs are to die for! I just want to get all up in him and in his face."
Oh.... yea... can we get back to the movie now?" Crystal said.
" Oh... yea sure. I guess so."

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