•Chapter 03• We Meet Again

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•Ave's POV•

After a night of bickering with Riley I finally agreed. He insisted that I should shop new dresses for the 'tour' and blah blah blah. So here I am at the mall with Brittany, his girlfriend. Did I forget to mention that he's taken? Ooops! My bad. Me and Brittany (I also call her Brit) get along very well cause she's not the clingy or slutty or whinny or bitchy type girlfriend -but sometimes she can be annoying especially if she force me to wear girly things- but I still like her. I'm sure 10 years from now Brit and Riley will be married with two adorable children. And Im gonna be the babysitter. Brit is like a sister to me too and I've known her for two years so yeah.

"Soooo, what do you want? Dresses? Skirts? Short? Crop top? Or?" Brit asked me as she rummages through the pile of clothes in the rack.

"Anything just please pick decent clothes." I pleaded.

"Okay" she muttered.

"Riley is right. You really need new clothes." She stated.

"Of course you'll take his side. He's your boyfriend after all" I said in a 'duh-tone'

She ignored my remark.

"How about this?" She squealed as she handed me a short - i mean too short for my liking - dress


"How about this?"


"Uhmm. This?"


"Or this one?"

"You call that a top? It's like a bra!"

"So is that a yes or no?"


"I think you will like this"


"Ugh! How about this one?"

"Never in a million years"

"This will perfectly fit on you"

"I doubt that!"

"How about the pink one?"

"Pink?! Ewwwww!"

"This blouse?"

"I'd rather die"

I observed the people- some are kids, some are teenagers, some are adults and some are oldies- People do whatever they want here. Some kid who are about 2-3 years old started crying over some cotton candy. 4 teenagers are gushing about the new magazine. And an old couple- probably on their late seventies- eating and being cozy on the cafe. How I wish that when I grew up I'll be able to find my true love and grow old with him. I sighed.

After an hour ( or ten minutes in my dictionary) I started whining. Again.

"Are you done?"

"Not yet."

"How about now?"

"Patience young lady"

"But I'm tired"

"Tired? How can you be tired? You're not helping me!"

"I'm bored"

"Just keep quiet"

"And hungry also"

"Ugh!" She groaned and finally gave in.

"You are going there " she said pointing to the newly opened restaurant. "and order us some lunch. I'm gonna stay here shopping for you. Got it?" She added and I nodded enthusiastically and left the boutique. I mentally high five myself for my whining.

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