Chapter 12

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Ashiya had woken up in the morning to a lot of noises, "Hmm.. What's going on-" he noticed what time it was. "Sire!" Sadao looked at him, "Finally up." Sadao chuckled as Ashiya looked worried, "I'm so sorry I got up late and I-" "Don't worry about it." Sadao cut him off while putting on his MgRonald's visor. Ashiya sighed as he stood up calmly, 'He seems to not care anymore.. Why..?' "Have fun with Urushihara, okay?" "Okay..." Ashiya trailed off still trying to figure out why Sadao seemed to be more distant nowadays. Sadao walked out of the apartment quickly.
"That's really weird.." Ashiya started talking to himself. "Is it because of Urushihara drowning?" He suggested to himself but he didn't talk quiet enough. "Can you stop worrying about sire so much?" The voice sounded like it was still half asleep but Urushihara made it loud enough for Ashiya to at least somewhat make out. "I can't. Sorry." Urushihara groaned at this, 'Nothing will work if he has another man on his mind constantly.'
Suddenly, a girl with pink hair rushed into the room. "YOU MUST BE PLANNING SOMETING SATAN-" She looked around confused as she didn't see Sadao in the room. "He's off at work right now, Emi.." Ashiya trailed off, it had been awhile since Emi had been around them. "Well.. Great..." She sounded slightly depressed, "Do you guys know why Sadao has been so weird lately?" "Weird?" Ashiya hadn't seen much difference in his behavior except for him not caring if things got done or not. "Chiho told me that Sadao barely even talks at work anymore. Isn't that kind of weird?" Emi questioned while looking at Ashiya. 'Maybe it's because Chiho is so annoying..' Urushihara explained in his head. "I must admit it. Sire has been different around us too lately." "He must be planning something. Are you guys just trying to cover for him?!" Emi sounded like she expected more out of the two even though they were his demon general's. "Now why would we do that and why would we tell you if we were? You really need to get some common sense, hero." Urushihara commented. "Shut up twerp!" Emi hissed angrily. Ashiya ignored everything that just happened as he cleaned he dishes, "Maybe he just isn't feeling well or something. I'll try to figure everything out." "I'm staying here Intel then!" Emi blurted out quickly. "If that's what you feel like doing.."
~ A few hours later ~
Sadao walked inside his apartment, hoping to come home to peace and quiet but instead he walked in on a mess with people yelling. He looked around, 'Urushihara and Emi..? Who let those two be alone together?' Emi looked over when she heard the door open, "There you are, Satan! What have you been planing?!?" She yelled. Sadao just stared at her like she was crazy. "I haven't planned anything.." He finally said and she stared at him, 'He seems.... Depressed?' She thought in her head, 'This doesn't seem to be the same Sadao.'
Sadao walked to the bathroom and shut the door, 'I told Chiho my problems today. Hopefully I trusted the right person and she won't tell Emi..' He thought as he bit his lip. He knew this was going to end up being a war, he just didn't want to admit it.


Sorry for the short chapter and it's not a very good one either, I didn't have many ideas.
Here's a good thing though, or something I'm proud of.. This book is almost to 300 views! WHOO!! I'm really excited because this is my first book and my first book that has ever made it this far so thank you all! Thank you!

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