The woman in the mirror

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Just as I finished unpacking, mother called me for dinner. We had spaghetti and meatballs that night. When the family finished eating we said our prayers and left the table. I went to the bathroom on the 3rd floor because mother was using the one on the 2nd floor and daddy the one on the 1st floor. I got my toothbrush from the toilet/bathroom supplies box and brushed my teeth. When I spat into the sink then looked back up into the mirror there was a woman in a white nightgown and with long black silky hair looking at me! I hesitated for a while then dropped my toothbrush in the sink. My heart was pounding with fear and my hand started shaking. The woman's face was coved In her long dark hair that o could barely make out how she looked like. I closed my eyes hopping that when I opened them she would be gone. 1 2 3 I closed my eyes. I opened them after a while and she was still there. I closed my eyes again praying that she will be gone. 1 2 3 I closed them again. When I opened my eyes she was gone, but when I looked at the mirror the word boo was written on it with red lip stick. I ran out off the bathroom and into my bed shaking and thinking about the lady, mirror and the creepy driver. What would happen to me...

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