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Crying in my bedroom
If i ever stop it'll be to soon

Dieing in my head
Buring my face in my bed

I tell myself it will be over before I know it
If I could have a tantrum I would throw it

Wishing that the covers would absorb me
This is life im just paying my fee

This was my old feel
Now it feels surreal

Sometimes im not gonna lie it comes back
I still have a panic attack

Now and then

Poetry helped me
I almost ended it all but I got on my phone and I could see

It's not worth it
It'll get better and I still get bit

But now it's by a dog not a tiger
Turning like a biker

And no one ever knew
atleast very few

Im here to tell you it will get better
Sometimes it's good to have bad weather

It knocks down those dead trees you use to call friends

And it makes room for new hope to grow
I promise im not your foe

My messages aren't lit

I sure wish they was
And not because

I wanna be famous
But because my heart's about bust

I hear your voices and I want to help

My dream is to inspire
It burns like fire
You are beautiful not meant to be cut like a wire

I want you to know you are not alone

You don't even have to follow me just message me
I can help you see

My dream is a passion

Live your dream
Whether it is to climb a mountain or eat a tub of whiped cream

This isn't one of my best works
But all that matters is you get the message

Please take my hand
I wont let go I will hold your secrets and never forget your memories

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