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I have to be honest whenever I say that being held close to Mike's side wasn't comfortable. He was very bony, and I wished I was still being held next to Tony. I've never been in an airplane before, or known what to do when going to an airport. It was a bit overwhelming. I just let Mike lead me wherever. My small suitcase was taken from my hand, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, which handed me an old blue backpack. Looking up, it was Eric. I'm handed a ticket, and we're ushered on to a plane.

"Well, Ink, this is it." I look back up at my brother, he's sheet white. This paleness makes his black hair look even darker, and his blue eyes even deeper. I understand why girls call him a dream boat now. Going down a make shift hallway, I hear the boys behind me making a video. I hope they don't make me say anything. I feel as if I open my mouth, I'll be sick everywhere.

"Quill," Eric snaps at me once we reach what I guess is our row. "Sit."

I chuckle, taking the seat in between him and...


"Mind if I sit here?" He asks, winking. I groan softly, not really wanting to spend a few hours sitting next to him. When I don't answer, he leans back in his seat, a smirk dancing across his strangely handsome face.

I turn to face Eric, rapidly jerking my eyes towards Mike. It's supposed to be for him to move Mike, but he takes it as a sign for him to leave us alone. He puts in earbuds to prove that he "understood".

"You're real name isn't really Quill, is it?" Mike asks, genuinely curious.

"No, but only members of our band know my brother and I' s names." I try to be polite, but irritation and the churning in my stomach are beginning to worsen.

The flight attendants go through what I perceive as a safety dance, and tell us to fasten our seatbelts. I find mine and click it into place, doing the same to Eric. He's asleep now. Without much warning, the plane jolts, sending us forward. I lean over my brother, and watch as the concrete around us goes by.

I watch as we slowly get into the air, and the plane shudders. I snap back into my seat, and clutch onto Mike's leg without even thinking.

"May I help you," he asks. He wants to tease me, I can see it in his eyes. But I guess I looked terrified, because he softens up. "Oh, baby, I didn't know you've never flown."

I take a deep breath to relax myself before I can think of replying. "Y-yeah. Can we uh, not flirt with each other until we get on ground? I don't want to be saying things wrong because I'm a bundle of nerves."

"Fine, alright. So are you into Harry Potter at all?" his smile is huge. Tony groans from the aisle seat next to us.

"No. Fred and George are, though. If you can't tell from their names." It was true. They really were in love with the whole wizarding world.

"I thought that was just a weird coincidence."

"Nah, son. They legally changed their names when they were eighteen." I giggle a bit at the memory of them walking up to Eric, saying their new names. I was only ten when that happened.

"And now, the age old questions. How old are you, and are you single?"

I freeze for a moment. By now, Eric has his earbuds out and is listening intensely for what I have to say. We're eight years apart, and Ink is twenty six. Yet my birthday isn't until next week.

I say what a father would in this situation. "Too young for you, and not available for taking."

He gets pretty bummed about this, and sits forward in his seat. Tony asks a flight attendant if he can get some ice for Mike's burn, while Jaime sits next to him laughing like a maniac.

I put my head back in my seat and close my eyes, telling myself that by when I'm a legal adult, I'll make it up to Mike.

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