Chapter 2

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"Good so do I" was all I remember hearing before falling asleep in my seat when I woke up in my reclined seat we were still in the air but I could here Mr.Ash ask the Italians for landing approval. This is about the time that I start getting my papers together so I can exit the plane when we land, I start to shift in my seat and stop when I hear.

"Morning sleeping beauty" remembering what had happened in the airport I look over to Ben smiling at we with the best dimpled smile I had ever seen.

I began to stretch and ask "what time is it ?" Still groggy from my nap.

" 5:17 am"Ben answered

" Well good morning to you to Prince Charming " I said very cheeky as if to prove a point.

The pilot told us to get ready for landing so we sat back in our original seats I put my phone in my purse and left my shoes off, looking at Ben I could tell there was something on his mind that he wanted to ask me but couldn't muster up the courage to do it. When we landed me and Ben clapped for the perfect landing.

Then the plane had come to a stop I got up to stretch my legs still waiting till the last minute to put on my heels on I gathered all my important things and went to get my bag in the over head but my bag had gone deeper in the compartment so I backed up to see if it was still there when I hit a hard yet comfortingly warm body I almost didn't want to move, but I did, I had to so I turned around and looked up towards the giant I know as Ben. He began to laugh inwardly as he leaned into me reached his hand in the compartment and got my purse for me when giving me my purse he continues to laugh.

"Need a hand short stuff ,you now those heel really do give you height I thought you were 5'8 or something " he says still laughing

As he gives me my purse I fake a laugh "hahahaha, very funny is it going to be a problem if I am short" I say in a very flirtatious voice

"No I like woman on the shorter side" Ben says in a baritone voice that almost had me knees weak as he still towers over me

"Aahhhhhem" Mr.Ash says to cool down the heat in between Ben and I

"Yes Mr.Ash I know give them a minute to open the door, anything else" I ask as he gives me a knowing look

"No have a nice vacation Catalina" Mr.Ash says with this Spanish accent

As I turn from kissing him goodbye I see a questioning look on Ben's face

"What's up Ben" I ask concerned as I put I my heels to exit the plane

"No just I thought your name was Catherine the pilot just called you Catalina what do I call you?" He questioned.

I pulled him to start exiting the open plane doors "My mother is Hispanic and calls me Catalina

because she doesn't like Cat and Catalina is easier for Mr.Ash to pronounce since he and my mother are from the same country" I explained and stopped when I saw an understanding look on his face.

"Cab or can you drive one of these clown cars "I ask jokingly

"Let's rent a car" Ben said so calmly it almost scared me.

"Your legal in this country???" I idiotically ask

"Absolutely" he chuckles


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